Specialist immunisation services


Specialist immunisation services (SIS) are hospital-based immunisation clinics led by a team of specialised medical and nursing staff with expertise in vaccines and immunisation.

In Victoria, there are specialised immunisation services at Monash Health, Western Health, Royal Children’s Hospital and Alfred Health.

Purpose of SIS

These services offer vaccination encounters through walk-ins, or via formal appointments for patients with more complex vaccination needs (e.g. multiple medical conditions, antenatal vaccination, complex catch-up plans, oncology, pre- and post-transplant recipients).

SIS in Victoria are also linked with 赛维克, the Victorian vaccine safety service. Specialist consultation and/or vaccination under supervision may be facilitated via these services for individuals who have previously experienced a significant adverse event following immunisation (AEFI) or who are at higher risk of experiencing an AEFI.

Access and services offered

  • 皇家儿童医院免疫服务

    Suited for:
    Children of all ages and family members (*BCG appointments only available for children < 12 months of age) 

    Services offered:
    NIP and travel vaccines, catch-up vaccination (appointments required), 新冠肺炎 vaccines (from 6 months of age), meningococcal B/ACWY, sedation services and complex vaccination needs 

    Hours of operation:
    Monday to Friday 9:00 am–4:30 pm, excluding public holidays 

    How to access:
    Walk-ins and appointments available 

    How to refer: 
    Immunisation clinic fax number: (03) 9345 4163
    BCG clinic fax number: (03) 9345 5034
    Inpatients/outpatients (seen by Immunisation Nurse Practitioners) fax number: (03) 9345 4100 

    Ground floor opposite Parkville Café, Royal Children’s Hospital, Parkville 

    Telephone: 1300 882 924 (option 2) or (03) 9345 6599 / 9345 6399
    电子邮件: 免疫中心@rch.org.au   

  • Monash Health 免疫接种服务

    Suited for:
    All ages (*BCG appointments only available for children < 5 years of age)  

    Services offered:
    National Immunisation Program (NIP) and travel vaccines, catch-up plans and vaccination, sedation services, complex vaccination needs 新冠肺炎 vaccines ( 6 months)

    Hours of operation:
    Monday to Friday 8:30 am–4:00 pm, excluding public holidays. 

    How to access:
    Walk-ins and appointments  

    Suite I, Jessie McPherson Private Consulting Suite Level 2, Monash Medical Centre, Clayton 

    How to refer:
    Monash Health require all referrals to be submitted from your GP via HealthLink: Monash Health referrals  

    Telephone: (03) 9594 6320
    电子邮件: [email protected] 

  • Western Health Immunisation Service

    Suited for:
    Children and pregnant people 

    Services offered:
    NIP vaccines (children), antenatal vaccines (dTpa流感) and 新冠肺炎 vaccines (≥ 6 months) 

    Hours of operation:
    Monday to Friday 9:00 am–4:00 pm, excluding public holidays 

    How to access:
    Walk-ins and appointments (appointments held on Wednesday afternoons only) 

    Ground Floor, Sunshine Hospital, Joan Kirner Women and Children’s Hospital, St Albans 

    How to refer:
    Western Health require all external patients to be referral through the general paediatric referral system: Western Health Referral 

    Telephone: (03) 8345 1727
    电子邮件: [email protected] 

  • Alfred Health Specialist Immunisation Services (AHSIS)

    Suited for:
    Adults only (≥ 18 years) 

    Services offered:
    Individuals who have experienced AEFI or who are at risk of experiencing AEFI 

    How to access:
    By appointment only 

    How to refer:
    Referrals can be made to Alfred Health Specialist Clinics and sent via Fax: (03) 90766938 or Email: [email protected] 

    Telephone: (03) 90765200  


The Royal Children’s Hospital, Monash and Western Health services operate with funding from the Victorian Department of Health. Alfred Health Specialist 免疫接种 Service is fully funded internally by Alfred Health.  

作者: Adele Harris (Immunisation nurse, SAEFVIC, Murdoch Children’s Research Institute) and Rachael McGuire (MVEC Education Nurse Coordinator)

日期: 2024年3月


You should not consider the information on this site to be specific, professional medical advice for your personal health or for your family’s personal health. For medical concerns, including decisions about vaccinations, medications and other treatments, you should always consult a healthcare professional.



SAEFVIC (Surveillance of Adverse Events Following Vaccination In the Community) is the central reporting service in Victoria for any significant adverse event following immunisation (AEFI).

An AEFI is any untoward medical occurrence that happens following the administration of a vaccine. It can be coincidentally associated with immunisation, without necessarily being caused by the vaccine. A vaccine error is also considered an AEFI and may be related to the way a vaccine was stored, prepared or administered.

Common side effects from vaccines are usually mild and short‑lasting. Severe side effects are rare. A list of common vaccine side effects can be found in The Australian Immunisation Handbook: Table: Common side effects following immunisation for vaccines used in the National Immunisation Program schedule.


Monitoring vaccine safety during development and through post‑licensure adverse event surveillance are important ways both to ensure safe vaccination programs and to maintain community confidence in vaccines.

Post-licensure monitoring is conducted via a number of different mechanisms, one of which is through reporting AEFI to jurisdictional and national authorities. Reporting AEFI allows the rapid investigation of any potential vaccine or system problem and ensures vaccinees get timely medical advice and support.

Reporting adverse events is not mandatory in Victoria, however doing so allows the rapid investigation of any potential vaccine or system problems by Victorian and national health authorities (Therapeutic Goods Administration).

Following the report of adverse events, SAEFVIC can facilitate individualised clinical assistance for patients and families affected by an AEFI. This may be done via a face-to-face or telehealth consultation with a specialist or with an immunisation nurse over the phone.

Reporting to SAEFVIC

Any vaccinated individual, parent/guardian, immunisation provider or treating medical practitioner can report an AEFI to SAEFVIC. Reports are made via SAEFVAC.

It is important to note that the 赛维克 does not provide emergency care and is a reporting service only. 

如果您需要医疗帮助,请咨询您的全科医生、当地急诊科,或者如果需要立即支持,请拨打 000。

作者: Nigel Crawford (Director, SAEFVIC, Murdoch Children’s Research Institute), Georgina Lewis (Clinical Manager, SAEFVIC, Murdoch Children’s Research Institute) and Rachael McGuire (Research Nurse, SAEFVIC, Murdoch Children’s Research Institute)

审阅者:Rachael McGuire(MVEC教育护士协调员)

日期: December 2024


You should not consider the information on this site to be specific, professional medical advice for your personal health or for your family’s personal health. For medical concerns, including decisions about vaccinations, medications and other treatments, you should always consult a healthcare professional.

疫苗接种相关的肩伤 (SIRVA)


与疫苗接种相关的肩部损伤 (SIRVA) 是一种罕见但严重的并发症,原因是疑似无意中将疫苗接种到三角肌或肩关节的位置过高。这可能导致局部炎症反应和对肩关节内局部结构的潜在创伤,包括滑囊、韧带和肌腱,导致突然发作的肩痛和运动受限。症状可持续数周至数月或长达数年。受影响的个人可能会经历不同程度的残疾,这可能会影响他们的日常生活、社交和情感健康。 


SIRVA 的可区分症状/特征包括: 

  • 接种疫苗后 48 小时内突然出现肩痛 - 与接种疫苗后预期的注射部位疼痛不同 
  • 受影响的肩部活动范围受限 (RROM) 
  • 持续性肩痛和 RROM 持续 >1 周,持续数周至数月 
  • 怀疑接种部位不正确——上臂太高。 


SIRVA 的影响可能包括: 

  • 因疼痛而中断睡眠  
  • 在个人护理、他人护理和日常生活活动方面存在困难 
  • 无法 参加运动或爱好  
  • 修改后的工作职责 
  • 请假与症状和/或治疗和调查有关 
  • 由于 t 造成的收入损失下班时间  
  • 治疗和调查费用造成的经济负担  
  • 情感和社会福祉。 

对 SIRVA 患者的进一步影响可能包括疫苗犹豫、对医疗保健/免疫提供者的信心降低以及免疫原性受损的可能性。


全科医生、专科医生或理疗师等专职医疗人员可以根据免疫接种后出现的症状和临床病史来诊断 SIRVA。 

如果进行超声或 MRI 等放射学检查以支持或确认诊断,则可能会发现滑囊炎、粘连性关节囊炎、撞击综合征、滑膜炎或肌腱撕裂等异常情况。  

SIRVA 的早期诊断导致及时治疗,这被认为可以减少症状的持续时间和严重程度。  


SIRVA 可以通过多种方式进行治疗,可能包括以下任何一种: 

  • 非处方止痛药/抗炎药 
  • 处方止痛药/消炎药 
  • 口服皮质类固醇 
  • 皮质类固醇关节注射 
  • 理疗或其他专职医疗人员  
  • 按摩
  • 手术(罕见). 

如何预防 SIRVA

SIRVA 可以通过以下方式预防 推荐d 接种程序 为了正确 注射技术UE. 

WordPress Tables Plugin

请参阅 MVEC:注射疫苗的管理 - 正确的技术 有关正确注射技术的更多信息。

在哪里报告 SIRVA 案例

所有 SIRVA 确诊或疑似病例都应报告给 赛维克 (维多利亚疫苗安全服务)。报告可以由消费者、免疫接种提供者或治疗保健专业人员进行。 

如果需要,SAEFVIC 可以提供临床建议或协助咨询免疫专家。 


作者: Mel Addison(默多克儿童研究所 SAEFVIC 研究护士)、Rachael McGuire(默多克儿童研究所 SAEFVIC 研究护士)、Georgie Lewis(默多克儿童研究所 SAEFVIC 临床经理)和 Nigel Crawford(默多克儿童研究所 SAEFVIC 主任)

审核人: Mel Addison(默多克儿童研究所 SAEFVIC 研究护士)

日期: 3 月 23, 2023





In order to prevent the rejection of transplanted organs, people who have undergone a solid organ transplant require varying doses of immune suppressive medication. Once a patient is immune suppressed, seroprotection gained from immunisation may be suboptimal and therefore additional doses of vaccines may be recommended. Some vaccines (live-attenuated vaccines) may be contraindicated.

To overcome this and maximise immune responses it is recommended where possible that all vaccines are administered well before transplant with live-attenuated vaccines administered a minimum of 4 weeks prior to transplant.

请参阅 MVEC: Pre-solid organ transplant recipient immunisation guideline (0-18 years) 了解更多信息。

For immunisation recommendations following a solid organ transplant please refer to your immunisation specialist for specific advice.

MVEC special risk guidelines

These guidelines have been prepared by immunisation staff from the Royal Children’s Hospital and Monash Health and endorsed at a monthly immunisation meeting. Attendees at this meeting include paediatricians, infectious disease physicians, nurse immunisation specialists, infection control team members and a representative from the Immunisation Section of the Victorian Department of Health.

These guidelines are based on the latest available evidence and aim to align with recommendations in the 澳大利亚免疫手册.


这些指南中的一些建议超出了国家免疫计划 (NIP) 的范围。不同的司法管辖区和个别医院对非 NIP 疫苗有不同的方法,应向当地卫生服务部门澄清。

We welcome any feedback on the guidelines, please email: [email protected]


作者: Nigel Crawford (Director, SAEFVIC, Murdoch Children’s Research Institute) and Rachael McGuire (SAEFVIC Research Nurse, Murdoch Children’s Research Institute)

审核人: Rachael McGuire (MVEC Education Nurse Coordinator) and Annie Cobbledick (Immunisation Pharmacist, the Royal Children’s Hospital)

日期: 2021 年 3 月

