Avoiding shoulder injury related to vaccine administration

Shoulder injury related to vaccine administration (SIRVA) describes a complication of incorrect immunisation technique whereby a vaccine is injected too high above the deltoid muscle. Implications of SIRVA include persisting pain and limited range of movement, uncertain seroprotection due to the incorrect site of administration, as well costly outcomes for the patient due to diagnostic imaging and interventions.. For tips on avoiding SIRVA please refer to the following resources:  

MVEC: Shoulder injury related to vaccine administration
एमवीईसी: इंजेक्शन वाले टीकों का प्रशासन- सही तकनीक 
Australian Immunisation Handbook: avoiding shoulder injury related to vaccine administration

Welcome to the new MVEC podcast series!

Do you enjoy a good podcast? So do we! 

Introducing the Melbourne Vaccine Education Centre podcast series, where we talk about immunisations past, present and future. We will be discussing with industry experts, how vaccines are changing, their history and their place in our current society. Each month we will discuss a different topic, beginning with our chat to Associate Professor Nigel Crawford on the MVEC website, National Immunisation Program and 2019's flu season, followed by our interview with Professor David Isaacs on his latest book, Defeating the Minister of Death. 

Follow our link here to begin listening 

Clinical Vaccinology Update April 2019- presentations now available

Thankyou to everyone for attending the most recent Clinical Vaccinology Update! The presentations are now available online via the link below. We had a fantastic day and look forward to seeing everyone at our next event!

Clinical Vaccinology Update (CVU) April 2019

Vaccine heroes: promoting vaccines for all

Hunter New England and Central Coast Primary Health Network has announced that the upcoming immunisation conference "Vaccine heroes: promoting vaccines for all", will be held in Newcastle, NSW on August 23 and 24, 2019. Topics include Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health, maternal immunisation, adverse events, travel vaccines, HPV, as well as other immunisation updates. For further information please refer to the link below:

Vaccine heroes: promoting vaccines for all

New immunisation reference page- Pharmacist immunisers

Pharmacist immunisers are registered pharmacists who are accredited to administer approved immunisations to specified patient groups within the community. For further information on the role of pharmacist immunisers as well as the approved training programs, please refer to:

MVEC: Pharmacist immunisers