Our pharmacist immuniser reference page has recently been updated to incorporate the expansion of the pharmacist immuniser program allowing accredited pharmacist providers to administer additional vaccines to more people.  

Pharmacist immunisers that have completed a recognised ‘Immuniser program of study’, are now authorised to administer the following vaccines in Victoria: 

  • human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines to those aged 12 years and older 
  • pneumococcal vaccines to people aged 50 years and older 
  • herpes zoster (shingles) vaccine to people aged 50 years and older 
  • monkeypox vaccines to patients recommended for vaccination aged five years and older. 

In addition to this, pharmacist immunisers are now able to administer the diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (dTpa) vaccine to anyone aged 12 years or older (previously only to those from 15 years of age). 

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MVEC: Pharmacist immunisers