Zostavax safety advisory

The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) have reiterated their advice that Zostavax should not be administered to immunocompromised individuals as it is associated with a risk of mild-serious complications. This advice follows a report of a new case of a patient who was taking hydroxychloroquine and a low dose of prednisolone who died three weeks after receiving the Zostavax vaccine. Whilst it was found that the Zostavax was administered in line with existing recommendations it is important that health professionals are aware of the potential of this kind of very rare adverse event. 

Read more here:

TGA: Zostavax vaccine 

And for more information on Zoster and to access the Zostavax GP Decision Aid refer to the एमवीईसी: ज़ोस्टर immunisation reference page. 

इन्फ्लुएंजा का टीका और अंडा एलर्जी

अंडा एलर्जी (अंडे एनाफिलेक्सिस सहित) के साथ और बिना इन्फ्लूएंजा टीकाकरण के संभावित और पूर्वव्यापी अध्ययन के आधार पर, अंडे की एलर्जी की उपस्थिति इन्फ्लूएंजा के टीके के लिए एलर्जी प्रतिक्रियाओं के जोखिम को नहीं बढ़ाती है और इसे सामुदायिक टीकाकरण सेटिंग में प्रशासित किया जा सकता है, जैसा कि एक एकल खुराक, अनुशंसित 15 मिनट अवलोकन अवधि के बाद। 

अधिक जानकारी के लिए कृपया निम्नलिखित देखें:


New immunisation reference page: Intradermal vaccination

Intradermal vaccination is the delivery of vaccines into the outer layers of the skin and is used for a small number of vaccines such as BCG and Hepatitis B (for non-responders). 

To find out more about intradermal vaccination, which vaccines can be given this way and how intradermal vaccines are administered, please see our new immunisation reference page, MVEC: इंट्राडर्मल टीकाकरण

Pharmacist Immuniser Update

Victorian Pharmacist Immunisers are now authorised to administer influenza vaccines to patients 10-years and older and pertussis-containing, measles-mumps-rubella and meningococcal ACWY vaccines to people aged 15 years and older. 

For more information see the most recent DHHS Secretary Approval: Pharmacist Immuniser.

See also our updated MVEC: Pharmacist Immuniser page और यह एमवीईसी: इन्फ्लुएंजा वैक्सीन सिफारिशें page. 

How do I know which influenza brand to use in the 2020 influenza season?

There are a number of seasonal influenza vaccines available for use in Australia in the 2020 influenza season.

Some influenza brands are already in circulation. This can cause some confusion therefore we encourage everyone to be familiar with the brands and dosing guidelines in 2020.
Influenza brand and dosing guidelines 2020:
आयु वर्ग Brand and dose
FluQuadri® 0.5ml (Sanofi) Vaxigrip Tetra® 0.5ml (Sanofi) Fluarix Tetra® 0.5ml (GSK) Afluria Quad® 0.5ml (Seqirus) Influvac Tetra® 0.5ml (Mylan) Fluad® Quad 0.5ml (Seqirus)
<6-months Too young to receive vaccine (N/A)
6 to 35-months (<3-years) *¥ 0.5 मि.ली 0.5 मि.ली 0.5 मि.ली लागू नहीं लागू नहीं लागू नहीं
≥3-years to <5-years *¥ 0.5 मि.ली 0.5 मि.ली 0.5 मि.ली लागू नहीं 0.5 मि.ली लागू नहीं
≥5 to <65-years *¥ 0.5 मि.ली 0.5 मि.ली 0.5 मि.ली 0.5 मि.ली 0.5 मि.ली लागू नहीं


0.5 मि.ली 0.5 मि.ली 0.5 मि.ली 0.5 मि.ली 0.5 मि.ली 0.5ml#

For further information on seasonal influenza vaccines in 2020, refer to our MVEC resources: Influenza vaccine recommendations page



Influenza vaccine 2020 FAQ's

MVEC’s Frequently Asked Questions for the 2020 Influenza season are now available online

To view our reference page please click on the following link:

MVEC: Influenza vaccines: Frequently asked questions 

MVEC Influenza recommendations 2020

For information on influenza immunisation for the 2020 season, including age specific brands, dosing guidelines and advice for at risk groups, please refer to:

MVEC: Influenza vaccine recommendations 2020 

New immunisation reference page: Gelatin allergy and vaccines

Gelatin in vaccines can cause allergic reactions therefore people with severe allergies to gelatin should avoid gelatin-containing vaccines. See our new Gelatin allergy and vaccines reference page for more information.

MVEC: Gelatin allergy & vaccines


Maternal vaccination during pregnancy reference page update

We have recently updated our Vaccines in pregnancy immunisation reference page. Influenza and pertussis vaccines are recommended in pregnancy.  All live vaccines are contraindicated in pregnancy. Read our updated page for further information!

एमवीईसी (MVEC): गर्भावस्था के दौरान मातृत्व टीकाकरण