MVEC Influenza recommendations 2020

For information on influenza immunisation for the 2020 season, including age specific brands, dosing guidelines and advice for at risk groups, please refer to:

MVEC: Influenza vaccine recommendations 2020 

When should I get the flu vaccine, and does coronavirus change things?

With the presence of coronavirus in Australia, people are wondering whether they need to get the flu vaccine early this year. 

According to ABC News the flu vaccine won't combat COVID-19, however, it does reduce the severity and spread of seasonal influenza, as contacting influenza can lower a person's immunity and make them more susceptible to other illnesses. 

Timing is important with the flu vaccine. it is important to be protected when the flu season starts and also several months later, when flu activity peaks. To ensure the highest level of protection during peak flu season, the Department of Health recommends people get vaccinated from mid April. 

Read the full article here:

ABC News: When should I get the flu vaccine, and does coronavirus change things? 

Worried about your child getting coronavirus? Here’s what you need to know

As the number of cases of COVID-19 increases, parents are understandably concerned. See the article here to find out what we know so far about how children are affected: The conversation - Worried about your child getting coronavirus? Here’s what you need to know.
A vaccine against COVID-19 is some way off. In the interim, it’s strongly recommended getting your child vaccinated against influenza.
For further information regarding the Influenza vaccine please refer to: Early advice on 2020 National Immunisation Program Seasonal Influenza Vaccination.

Early advice on 2020 National Immunisation Program seasonal influenza vaccination

Australia's Chief Medical Officer has released a statement providing early advice for vaccination providers on the 2020 seasonal influenza vaccines available through the National Immunisation Program. 

Chief Medical Officer letter - Early advice for the 2020 influenza season and ATAGI statement

News article for Health Care Providers - 2020 seasonal influenza vaccines