State and territory governments and businesses are currently in the process of establishing COVID-19 vaccine mandates across a range of sectors, including the Victorian government which mandated COVID vaccination for all authorised workers last week. Despite this necessary step, there is still a very small amount of people who are unable to receive a COVID-19 vaccine for medical reasons. ATAGI has released guidelines on which instances an individual may be granted a medical exception.

The only criteria for a permanent exception are due to anaphylaxis following a previous COVID-19 vaccine dose or to any component of a vaccine.

Temporary exceptions may be approved for some “acute major medical illnesses” where the COVID vaccine can be deferred for a certain amount of time.

COVID vaccine exceptions can be administered by general practitioners, paediatricians, clinical immunologists, infectious disease, general or public health physicians, gynaecologists, or obstetricians. As vaccine mandates continue to be implemented, it’s crucial for employers, individuals, and medical providers to stay up to date with new ATAGI clinical guidance regarding the medical exemption criteria.

Click the link to read the full article:
The Conversation: Who can’t have a COVID vaccine and how do I get a medical exemption?