Next week is World Health Organization (WHO) World Immunization Week 2023. To celebrate, MVEC will be sharing a series of social media posts all about vaccines and this year’s theme: The Big Catch-Up. 

Celebrated annually, World Immunization Week aims to highlight the collective action needed to protect people from vaccine-preventable diseases. 

As a member of WHO’s Vaccine Safety Net (VSN), MVEC proudly supports WHO and the work it does to protect people from vaccine-preventable diseases. The VSN is a global network of websites, verified as a source of reliable and credible vaccine safety information. 

To keep up our posts about World Immunization Week and more, follow us on Instagram and Twitter @mvecau and on our Facebook page Melbourne Vaccine Education Centre – MVEC. 

We regularly post information and advice covering all kinds of vaccine-related topics. We also share interesting news articles and relevant vaccine updates from trusted sources.