
















  • 在昆士兰州原住民及托雷斯海峡岛民社区居住的5岁以下儿童
  • 居住在昆士兰州的原住民及托雷斯海峡岛民新生婴儿
  • 5岁以下儿童到结核病盛行地区进行国际旅行

旅行 至结核病高发地区的人士,最好是在出发前4到6周接种卡介苗疫苗








  • 对于年龄为12个月以下儿童,推荐剂量为0.05毫升。
  • 对于年龄为12个月以上儿童,推荐剂量为0.1毫升。








  1. 在接种疫苗后的几个星期内,注射部位会出现一个红色的小丘疹
  2. 2到3个星期后可能会发展为溃疡 (开放性疮) (直径通常小于1厘米),并持续数周至数月
  3. 溃疡愈合后,大部分婴儿手臂上的注射部位会形成一个扁平瘢痕。

1. 丘疹

2. 溃疡

3. 瘢痕


  1. 腋窝淋巴结肿大(左臂下方的淋巴结肿胀)
  2. 溃疡持续超过数月
  3. 注射部分出现大块脓肿(脓液聚集)
  4. 注射部位形成瘢痕疙瘩





了解更多信息,请参阅接种卡介苗疫苗后的注意事项 – 皇家儿童医院 (RCH) 父母手册。

作者:Nigel Crawford(默多克儿童研究所SAEFVIC主任)和Rachael McGuire(默多克儿童研究所SAEFVIC研究护士)

审阅者:Rachael McGuire(MVEC教育护士协调员)

日期: 3 月 13, 2024





Typhoid and paratyphoid fever are 引起的 bacterial infections with the Salmonella enterica subspecies TyphiParatyphi (A, B and C). Collectively, typhoid and paratyphoid feverknown as enteric fever. Typhoid fever presents more commonly than paratyphoid fever and is associated with higher rates of severe complications and poorer outcomes. T similarities between typhoid and paratyphoid fever make it difficult to distinguish between the two diseases without diagnostic testing.

Enteric fever is different to the gastroenteritis that can be caused by 其他 Salmonella 细菌.


The incubation period of typhoid fever is usually 714 days but can range from 360 days. Typhoid and paratyphoid 发烧 often present with prolonged fever and fatigue, headache, splenomegaly (enlargement of the spleen), abdominal symptoms (pain, lack of appetite, constipation 或者 diarrhoea)bacteraemia (bacteria in the bloodstream). A rash appearing as small pink clusters on the skin known as ‘rose spots’ can be seen in up to 30% of individuals with enteric fever. In severe cases, complications can include septic shock, gastrointestinal bleeding with perforation, altered conscious state. If left untreated, enteric fever can be fatal.


Salmonella enterica is transmitted via the faecal–oral route and through ingestion of contaminated food and water sources. It is more common in developing countries with untreated drinking water and inadequate sanitation and food handling practices.

Approximately 10% of people infected with Salmonella enterica will excrete the bacteria for up to 3 months following acute infection. Approximately 1 in 20 infected individuals who do not receive treatment for typhoid fever will become an asymptomatic carrier of the disease.


Although it is not prevalent in Australia, typhoid is a common disease in many parts of the world, especially Asia, southeast Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. In Australia, 100 to 200 returned travellers are diagnosed with typhoid every year

In 2019 it was estimated that 9 million cases of typhoid occur globally each year, resulting in 110,000 deaths. Children are disproportionately affected by infection.


Prevention of typhoid 发烧 includes both vaccination and undertaking food and water precautions whilst travelling in developing countries where typhoid is endemic.

Food and water precautions

Travellers should maintain the following precautions to limit exposure to infections: 

  • undertake effective hand washing practices 
  • drink bottled or boiled water 
  • avoid ice ice unless it is made from safe water 
  • ensure food is properly cooked
  • avoid raw milk and products made from raw milk
  • wash fruits and vegetables carefully, particularly if they are eaten raw
  • when possible, peel vegetables and fruits. 


There are 3 vaccines available in Australia for protection against typhoid fever:

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Blue shading = live-attenuated vaccine
While Vivaxim is not registered for use in children aged under 16 years, some immunisation specialists and travel medicine practitioners administer Vivaxim to children aged 215 years. 参考 Lau C. et al The tolerability of a combined hepatitis A and typhoid vaccine in children aged 2-16 years: an observational study Journal of Travel Medicine 2016: 15, 23 (2) 了解更多信息。
* There is no specific vaccine for paratyphoid fever however there is some evidence to suggest that administration of the oral typhoid fever vaccine (Vivotif) can provide some crossprotection against paratyphoid fever.

Precautions and contraindications

People taking both the oral typhoid vaccine (Vivotif) and the oral cholera vaccine (Dukoral) should separate these 2 vaccines by 8 hours, due to the risk of components of the cholera vaccine impacting how the typhoid vaccine is absorbed. 

Vivotif is live-attenuated vaccine and is therefore contraindicated in pregnant people and in individuals with immunocompromise.  

People who are currently receiving antibiotics, sulfonamides or antimalarial prophylaxis should receive one of the injected typhoid vaccines (Typhim Vi or Vivaxim) instead of Vivotif. Alternatively, time the last dose of the oral vaccine at least 3 days before commencing antibiotics, sulfonamides or antimalarial prophylaxis.


Side effects from typhoid vaccination are usually mild and short lived.  

注射部位反应 commonly occur in people who have received injected typhoid vaccines (Typhim Vi and Vivaxim). Abdominal pain, diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting and urticaria (itchy rash) commonly occur after vaccination with the oral typhoid vaccine (Vivotif). 


作者: Rachael Purcell(RCH 免疫研究员)、Francesca Machingaifa(MVEC 教育护士协调员)和 Rachael McGuire(MVEC 教育护士协调员)

审核人: Rachael McGuire (MVEC Education Nurse Coordinator) and Katie Butler (MVEC Education Nurse Coordinator)

日期: November 2023


You should not consider the information on this site to be specific, professional medical advice for your personal health or for your family’s personal health. For medical concerns, including decisions about vaccinations, medications and other treatments, you should always consult a healthcare professional.

血栓形成伴血小板减少综合征 (TTS)

血栓形成伴血小板减少综合征 (TTS),也称为 疫苗诱导的血栓形成前免疫性血小板减少症 (VIPIT) 或 疫苗诱导的免疫性血栓性血小板减少症 (VITT),是一种罕见的综合症,在接受 腺病毒载体 新冠肺炎 疫苗,例如 Vaxzevria(阿斯利康)和强生/杨森 COVID-19 疫苗。

请注意:澳大利亚不再提供腺病毒载体 COVID-19 疫苗。以下信息仅供参考。


该综合征的特征是血栓形成(血块)和血小板减少症(血小板计数低),通常在接种疫苗后 4-42 天内出现症状。

根据疾病控制中心 (CDC),TTS 根据血栓形成的位置和症状的严重程度分为 2 级。病例根据最近是否接触过肝素进一步分类。

第 1 层:

  • 不常见的血栓形成部位(例如脑 - 脑静脉窦血栓形成 [CVST] 或肠道 - 例如内脏静脉,与肠缺血和手术相关,门静脉或其他罕见的静脉和动脉血栓形成)
  • 也可能同时在更常见的位置发生血栓形成(例如深静脉血栓形成或肺栓塞)
  • 血小板计数 < 150,000 每微升
  • 阳性 (+) 抗 PF4 ELISA 结果支持,但不是诊断所必需的。


  • 血栓形成的常见部位,如腿部或肺部(例如静脉血栓栓塞、深静脉血栓形成、肺栓塞)
  • 血小板计数 < 150,000 每微升
  • 需要阳性抗 PF4 ELISA 结果。

第 1 级往往与更严重的表现相关,并且比第 2 级具有更高的发病率和死亡率风险。有证据表明,第 1 级在较年轻的年龄组中更为常见。

腺病毒载体疫苗是如何触发 TTS 的?

TTS 是如何被触发的确切机制仍在调查中,但大多数病例与抗 PF4 抗体的发现有关。没有明确的诊断标记来表明谁有患这种综合征的风险。目前正在对此进行调查。

TTS 似乎类似于一种称为肝素诱导的血小板减少症 (HIT) 的自身免疫性疾病,即对肝素药物的免疫反应影响血小板功能,导致血栓形成(凝块)。


据估计,Vaxzevria(阿斯利康)第 1 剂后发生 TTS 的风险约为每 100,000 人 2.6 人,其中 60 岁以下的人会经历更严重的后果。第 2 剂后发生 TTS 的风险要低得多。



TTS 不同于其他常见诊断的血栓形成,因为它是由对特定类型疫苗的免疫反应引发的,然后导致结合 两个都 血栓形成(凝块)和血小板减少症(低血小板计数)。

作者: Daryl Cheng(皇家儿童医院儿科医生)、Francesca Machingaifa(MVEC 教育护士协调员)、Davina Buntsma(MVEC 免疫研究员)和 Rachael McGuire(MVEC 教育护士协调员)

审核人: Linny Kimly Phuong(免疫顾问,SAEFVIC)、Rachael McGuire(MVEC 教育护士协调员)和 Hannah Morgan(流行病学家,SAEFVIC)

日期: 5 月 2, 2023





Tetanus caused by infection with 细菌 Clostridium Tetani. 细菌 secrete a potent exotoxin that enter the bloodstream, acting on the central nervous system 原因e muscle rigidity and painful spasms. Tetanus can be fatal when the muscles controlling respiration are affected. 


The incubation period of tetanus is 3 to 21 days. The most common time frame for presentation of tetanus is around 14 days after exposure. Although, it can present as early as 1 day or as long as several months after the exposure. 

The initial symptom is muscle rigidity. This can affect all muscles in the body but may be more pronounced in those closest to the site of the injury. In some cases, symptoms may include hyperreflexia (hyperactive reflexes) resulting in back, neck or limb stiffness; trismus (lockjaw); or sardonic smile (dystonia, or involuntary muscle contractions, producing a fixed smile). As the disease progresses, painful muscle spasms occur, affecting any muscles simultaneously. When spasms and rigidity affect the respiratory or laryngeal muscles, sedation and/or prolonged ventilation in the intensive care setting is required. Examples of complications of tetanus include hypertension (high blood pressure), hypotension (low blood pressure), respiratory failure, cardiac arrythmias (irregular heartbeat), pneumonia, fractures, muscle rupture, deep vein thrombophlebitis, pulmonary emboli, decubitus ulcers and rhabdomyolysis. In severe cases, tetanus can be fatal.


Tetanus spores are found in dirt, dust and animal faeces. They can survive in the environment for many years.  Spores can be introduced into the body via a wound where the bacteria can grow and cause infection. Spores can survive in a wound for as long as 3 months before becoming active.  

Tetanus can occur following a significant wound or after trivial or even unnoticed wounds. Examples of wounds that are considered tetanus-prone include: 

  • 动物或人的咬伤 
  • 深部穿透伤 
  • minor lacerations, for example, from cat scratches, rose thorns, glass or other foreign bodies (e.g. splinters) 
  • contusions or burns 
  • compound (open) fractures 
  • 被户外设备割伤或割伤 
  • tooth reimplantation post avulsion (knocked out tooth) 
  • 静脉注射毒品的场所。 

Tetanus cannot be passed directly from person to person.   


The incidence of tetanus is rare in Australia. Since 2001, there have been fewer than 8 cases reported each year, with a total of 84 cases since 2000. The case fatality rate in Australia is about 2%. Globally, tetanus is fatal in approximately 11% of reported cases. 

Tetanus can affect people of any age. However infections in Australia are more commonly seen in older adults who have never been vaccinated or were vaccinated more than 10 years ago.  

In countries with low rates of vaccination, Maternal and Neonatal Tetanus (MNT) remains a common life-threatening consequence of unhygienic deliveries and umbilical cord care practices. Mortality rates associated with MNT are extremely high, especially when appropriate medical care is not available, as is often the case.


Vaccination is the most effective way to prevent tetanus. Vaccines target the tetanus toxin (toxoid) and, in Australia, are available only in combination with diphtheria. Vaccines may also include other antigens, such as pertussis, inactivated poliovirus, hepatitis B and haemophilus influenzae type B. 

Table: Which tetanus-toxoid containing vaccine to use by age of patient 

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Tick = recommended for use in this age group
Grey shading = not routinely recommended for use in this age group
* ATAGI recommends the use of Infanrix hexa and Vaxelis in children aged < 10 years, however the Royal Children’s Hospital (RCH) preferentially uses them up to < 18 years in instances where multiple vaccines are required (eg. catch up, post chemotherapy/post HSCT). 


As per the National Immunisation Program (NIP), a primary course of tetanus vaccination is given at 6 weeks, 4 months, and 6 months of age (Infanrix hexa/Vaxelis). 


Booster doses are scheduled to be administered at: 

  • 18 months (Infanrix/Tripacel) 
  • 4 years (Infanrix-IPV/Quadracel) 
  • 12 to 13 years of age/year 7 high school program (Boostrix) 

Regular booster doses every 10 years are no longer routinely recommended. However, women who receive the recommended pertussis vaccine during every 怀孕 will also receive a booster of tetanus (and diphtheria). Adults aged ≥ 50 years who have not received a dose of tetanus-containing vaccine in the last 10 years should consider a booster dose (unfunded).
Those who have a tetanus-prone wound should also receive a booster if they have not received a dose of tetanus-containing vaccine in the last 10 years (see Tetanus-prone wounds below). 

Catch up 

Any person with an incomplete tetanus immunisation history should be offered catch up. Refer to MVEC: Catch up immunisation for specific guidance.  

Tetanus-prone wounds 

The correct management of a tetanus-prone wound is vital for the prevention of tetanus infection.  

Initial treatment involves cleaning and disinfecting the wound. Medical review by a GP or emergency department is recommended.  

Reviewing a person’s immunisation history will inform tetanus-prevention management, which may include vaccination and/or the administration of immunoglobulin. Immunoglobulin provides short-term protection against tetanus. Vaccines provide longer and ongoing protection against the development of disease.  

Regardless of the nature of the wound, all unimmunised individuals, partially immunised individuals(those who have received less than 3 doses of a tetanus-containing vaccine) and 免疫功能低下 individuals are at the greatest risk of contracting tetanus.  

Groups who are often assumed to be up to date, but may lack optimal vaccine protection, include:

  • those aged 9-13岁之间, as they are 5 + years post their 4-year-old vaccine and may not have yet received their Year 7 booster
  • elderly population, due to waning immunity and time passed since last booster. 

Table: Guide to tetanus-prevention management  

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Tick =  required
Shaded boxes = not required
¥ Using age-appropriate tetanus-containing vaccine (see above Table: Which tetanus-toxoid containing vaccine to use by age of patient)
*administration of immunoglobulin is recommended when the patient has humoral immune deficiency or HIV (regardless of CD4+ count)
^ where there is no documented history of a completed 3-dose primary course of tetanus vaccination patients should receive all missing doses AND tetanus immunoglobulin. 


Injection site reaction (ISR) is a common side effect after receiving a tetanus-toxoid vaccine. Uncommon side effects include headache, lethargy, irritability, body aches and fever. These side effects are usually self-limiting and resolve within 48 hours.

作者: Lynne Addlem(免疫护士,皇家儿童医院)和 Rachael McGuire(教育护士协调员)

审核人: Katie Butler (MVEC Education Nurse Coordinator) and Rachael McGuire (MVEC Education Nurse Coordinator)

日期: November 2023


You should not consider the information on this site to be specific, professional medical advice for your personal health or for your family’s personal health. For medical concerns, including decisions about vaccinations, medications and other treatments, you should always consult a healthcare professional.




全科医生和旅行医学诊所可以提供预防保健建议并提供疫苗接种。还有专门研究传染病或免疫接种的儿科医生可以为儿童(及其家人)提供建议。还可以访问许多出色的网站,以获取特定国家/地区的更新和有关新发感染的信息 [请参阅下面的参考资料]。


对于特定的旅行前建议,最好在出发前至少 4-6 周咨询医疗保健专业人员,这样可以在到达旅行目的地之前有时间在接种任何推荐的疫苗后产生免疫力。根据推荐的疫苗,在一个人被认为完全受到保护之前,可能会指示一段时间的疫苗接种过程。

由于大多数旅行专家需要 GP 转介并且可能需要等待预约时间,因此将这一点纳入旅行计划时间表非常重要。



  • 麻疹死亡率 (麻疹、腮腺炎和风疹)疫苗:如果前往麻疹流行地区旅行,可以在 6-11 个月之间接种一剂额外的、受资助的剂量
  • 脑膜炎球菌 疫苗:
    • MenACWY (Nimenrix) 疫苗可以从 6 周龄开始接种,以提供更早的保护(NIP 规定在 12 个月大和中学 10 年级时接种)
    • B 型脑膜炎球菌 (Bexsero) 疫苗也可以从 6 周龄开始接种(国家免疫计划 (NIP) 不资助所有人,但可以为不符合资助剂量的人私人购买)
  • 流行性感冒 疫苗:根据一年中的时间和旅行目的地,接种流感疫苗可能是明智的
  • 新冠肺炎 疫苗:由于不断出现 COVID-19 疾病毒株,重要的是要确保完成 COVID-19 疫苗接种的初级疗程以及根据当前建议推荐的任何加强剂。




  • 考虑到预防疟疾的必要性(药物预防疟疾)
  • 预防蚊媒疾病的措施,例如穿长袖衣服、蚊帐和含有避蚊胺的驱虫剂
  • 食品和水安全。


个人是 免疫功能低下 由于身体状况或特定疗法,鼓励尽早寻求旅行建议,以在旅行前最大限度地预防疫苗可预防的疾病。

同样,计划怀孕或正在怀孕的妇女 , 应尽早寻求旅行建议,以确保为母亲和未出生的婴儿提供最佳保护。计划怀孕且旅行可能性很高的女性应考虑在怀孕前接种疫苗,并注意减毒活疫苗在怀孕期间是禁忌的。

探亲访友 (VFR)

VFR 旅行是国际旅行最常见的原因之一。 VFR 旅行者是指从他们居住的高收入国家前往他们的低收入出生国家探望朋友或亲戚的移民。 VFR 旅行前的旅行咨询应考虑个人是否接种过常规 NIP 疫苗或有疫苗可预防疾病的病史,以及是否接种了适合他们前往的国家/地区的疫苗。该人群中某些与旅行相关的感染率较高,因此采取适当的预防措施(例如接种疫苗)以及考虑食品和水安全对于确保最佳保护非常重要。


MVEC 旅游相关资源


作者: Nigel Crawford(默多克儿童研究所 SAEFVIC 主任)和 Rachael McGuire(默多克儿童研究所 SAEFVIC 研究护士)

审核人: Rachael Purcell(RCH 免疫研究员)、Francesca Machingaifa(MVEC 教育护士协调员)和 Rachael McGuire(MVEC 教育护士协调员)

日期: June 8 2023

