Menactra® 和 Prevenar 13® 共同给药
Menactra® should not be administered on the same day as Prevenar 13®. Studies have shown that co-administration may result in a decreased immune response to some of the pneumococcal serotypes. If both vaccines are required, Prevenar 13® should be administered first followed by Menactra® at least 4 weeks later. If these vaccines are inadvertently administered on the same day, Prevenar 13® should be repeated a minimum of 8 weeks later. Menveo® and Nimenrix® may be co-administered with Prevenar 13®.
For further information please refer to The Australian Immunisation Handbook
World Health Organisation- Rabies
The World Health Organisation (WHO) has updated its position on rabies immunisation for pre- and post-exposure prophylaxis. The following position paper provides a summary on rabies disease and vaccines and concludes with the current WHO position on the use of rabies vaccines worldwide. The systematic review can also be accessed below. For further information on rabies disease please refer to MVEC's reference page.
Rabies vaccines: WHO position paper - April 2018
Pre-exposure rabies prophylaxis: a systematic review
Global Vaccine Safety
The Global Vaccine Safety Initiative was set up in 2011 by the World Health Organsiation (WHO) to ensure that all countries had strategies in place to ensure vaccine safety. The latest highlight is available via the following link and has some great information on Adverse Events Following Immunisation (AEFI) training in our region (WPRO).