New immunisation reference page: Eczema and immunisations

Eczema or atopic dermatitis is a common skin condition affecting people of any ages. Whilst it is recognised that vaccines can cause a flare of eczema symptoms, there is no causal relationship identified between eczema and immunisations in the literature. 

For further information on eczema and immunisation please refer to our MVEC page 这里

有关 COVID-19 疫苗的问题与解答

疫苗教育中心 (VEC)费城儿童医院 (CHoP) 最近推出了一个新的资源页面,回答与 COVID-19 疫苗的开发和安全性相关的常见问题。我们还鼓励读者将自己的问题直接提交给 VEC 团队以获得答复。

要访问此计划,请点击链接 这里

VicVax(维多利亚免疫计划)应用程序 - 目前正在审查中

自 2020 年 7 月 1 日起,国家免疫计划 (NIP) 发生了变化。因此, 维克, MVEC 的维多利亚免疫计划应用程序目前正在接受审查,并已从 App Store 和 Google Play 中删除。如果您下载了 VicVax 应用程序,请将其从您的设备中删除,因为它不再与当前的免疫计划保持同步。 

在此期间,请参阅 维多利亚州免疫计划 - 2020 年 7 月

冠状病毒疫苗进展报告:竞标赢得 COVID-19 疫苗竞赛的项目

全球有超过 140 种候选疫苗处于不同的开发阶段,ABC 考察了澳大利亚研究人员在生产安全有效的 COVID-19 疫苗方面所发挥的作用。 

ABC:冠状病毒疫苗进展:竞标赢得 COVID-19 疫苗竞赛的项目 

要进一步探索 COVID-19 疫苗开发流程并听取国内外专家的意见,请订阅我们的播客系列:
COVID-19 疫苗之路 


为了增强人们对免疫接种安全性和有效性的信心,MVEC 研究了候选疫苗在注册用于疫苗接种计划之前所采取的步骤。许可后监督计划对于及早发现可能出现的任何意外安全信号也很重要。

要了解更多信息,请访问我们的 MVEC 页面 疫苗开发和安全

New immunisation reference page: Live-attenuated vaccines in patients receiving regular red blood cell transfusions

Patients receiving regular red blood cell transfusions to treat chronic medical conditions such as transfusion dependent thalassaemia, sickle cell disease, inherited chronic haemolytic anaemias, or inherited bone marrow failure syndromes are often left unprotected from vaccine preventable diseases due to not meeting the required intervals between red blood cell transfusions. Evidence in this space is limited, however specialist advice suggests that immunisation of this patient group with live-attenuated vaccines is safe and recommended. As such, MVEC has created a new reference page outlining the process of immunisation for these patients. Please refer to MVEC:接受定期红细胞输注的患者的减毒活疫苗 了解更多信息。



The International Coalition of Medicines Regulatory Authorities (ICMRA) statement about confidence in vaccine safety and effectiveness

In a global effort to promote confidence in the safety of vaccines, the International Coalition of Medicines Regulatory Authorities (ICMRA) have released new documentation explaining the scientific evaluation process undertaken by vaccine candidates prior to licensing, as well as discussing the ongoing safety surveillance that continues after they have been approved for use. These documents are targeted for both health care professionals as well as consumers.


ICMRA statement about confidence in vaccine safety and effectiveness (for healthcare professionals)

ICMRA statement about confidence in vaccines (for the general public)


Zostavax safety advisory

The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) have reiterated their advice that Zostavax should not be administered to immunocompromised individuals as it is associated with a risk of mild-serious complications. This advice follows a report of a new case of a patient who was taking hydroxychloroquine and a low dose of prednisolone who died three weeks after receiving the Zostavax vaccine. Whilst it was found that the Zostavax was administered in line with existing recommendations it is important that health professionals are aware of the potential of this kind of very rare adverse event. 


TGA: Zostavax vaccine 

And for more information on Zoster and to access the Zostavax GP Decision Aid refer to the MVEC:带状疱疹 immunisation reference page. 


在我们的新冠疫苗之路系列的第 7 集中,我们的主持人 Nigel Crawford 副教授与 Norman Baylor 教授进行了交谈。贝勒教授是美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)疫苗研究和审查中心办公室前主任,也是生物制剂咨询公司的总裁兼首席执行官,现任世界卫生组织顾问。


  • 监管机构在新疫苗开发和发布中的重要作用
  • 紧急使用授权 (EUA) 及其使用
  • SARS-CoV-2 疫苗的开发时间被压缩
  • 监管机构对疫苗研发的要求
  • 国家监管机构(FDA、EMA 和 TGA)之间的合作/“工作共享”机会
  • 监管机构在疫苗安全中的作用



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