ATAGI statement on use of Dengvaxia® for Australians

The Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) has
developed advice for immunisation providers regarding the administration of
Dengvaxia® for Australians. It includes information about the dengue virus, as
well as use, efficacy and safety of the dengue vaccine in Australians.

Dengvaxia® is potentially harmful and should not be used in
people who have never had a dengue infection.

Victoria's chief health officer is warning pregnant women to protect their unborn babies with the flu vaccination

Hundreds of Victorian babies have been diagnosed with the flu, prompting health authorities to warn pregnant mothers to check their vaccinations are up to date.

Read the article here

Early bird tickets now available for the November CVU!

The next Clinical Vaccinology Update (CVU) will be held on Monday 25th November 2019. Hosted by our Monash Health team, this event will be held in the Exhibition Space H116, at Monash University Caulfield, just off Princes Avenue. 

Tickets are now available and for those of you who book prior to 31st August, you will receive the early bird price of $100 per ticket!


The program for this event is yet to be announced, however information will be displayed on 事件 page as soon as it is made available. 



Zoster vaccine resources

Administration of Zostavax® (zoster vaccine) in individuals who are immunocompromised is contraindicated due to the risk of causing disseminated disease. Prior to immunisation, and in conjunction with the pre-immunisation checklist, 这 Zostavax® GP Decision Aid should be completed to ensure patient safety. For further information on Zostavax®, please refer to the updated links below:


MVEC: Zostavax® GP Decision Aid

MVEC: Zoster vaccine (Zostavax®) FAQs

Good news for childhood immunisation rates in Australia!

The latest immunisation coverage rates are showing a national figure of almost 95% of Australian 5-year olds being fully immunised, with the coverage rate for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children leading the way with close to 97%

The Guardian, July 7, 2019: Immunisation rates for Australian children reaches record 95%

New podcast with Katrina Clark now available!

MVEC's latest podcast is now available!

In this episode, Katrina Clark discusses her role as the National Indigenous Immunisation Coordinator, the importance of immunisation for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community, as well as what we can do to enhance coverage in this group.

To begin listening please follow the link below:

Episode 3: Katrina Clark- immunising Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities