Updated immunisation reference page: Vaccine-associated enhanced disease
MVEC has recently updated its reference page on vaccine-associated enhanced disease (VAED).
VAED is a rare phenomenon where a person who has been vaccinated experiences a more severe clinical presentation of an infection than would normally be seen in an unvaccinated person.
The new page includes more detailed information on VAED diagnosis, and vaccines that have been associated with VAED.
MVEC: Vaccine-associated enhanced diseased
State-based influenza vaccine programs announced in Qld and WA
Queensland and Western Australia have each announced free influenza vaccine programs for 2024.
In Queensland, all residents aged 6 months and older can access the influenza vaccine for free in 2024. The program will conclude on 30 September 2024.
In Western Australia, free influenza vaccines will be available for people aged 6 months and older during the months of May and June.
Influenza vaccination is funded through the National Immunisation Program (NIP) across Australia for:
- 6个月至5岁以下的儿童
- all adults aged 65 years and older
- specific populations aged 5 to 64 years who are greater risk of devleoping complications from influenza.
Queensland Health: 2024 Free flu vaccination program
Government of Western Australia: Free flu jabs available throughout May and June 2024
Queensland Health: Qld meningococcal B program underway for all children up to 2 years and for year 10 students
Queensland Health has commenced its expansion of the Queensland School Immunisation Program to include a 2-dose course of meningococcal B vaccination for year 10 students.
All infants and children in Queensland aged under 2 years and adolescents aged 15 to 19 years can now access the vaccine for free.
Queensland School Immunisation Program
CVU mini: Register now
Registration is now open for the upcoming MVEC CVU mini.
The CVU mini will focus on RSV preventative therapies.
When: Friday 21 June 2024
Where: The Royal Children’s Hospital, Parkville
This half-day, face-to-face event offers healthcare professionals the opportunity to hear from leading experts on the latest in RSV prevention.
Learn more and register on our event page.
Read about RSV on the MVEC:呼吸道合胞病毒(RSV) reference page.
Victorian Department of Health: Nurse immunisers, pharmacist immunisers and ATSIHP immunisers approved to administer Arexvy
In Victoria, nurse immunisers, pharmacist immunisers and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health practitioner (ATSIHP) immunisers are authorised to administer the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine Arexvy.
RSV is a virus that causes both upper and lower respiratory tract infections. Arexvy is used to prevent RSV in people aged 60 years and older, and is recommended for:
- All adults aged 75 years and older
- First Nations adults aged 60 years and older
- adults aged 60 to 74 years with certain medical conditions.
Read more about Arexvy and RSV on our RSV reference page.
Q fever records now to be added to AIR
From 15 April 2024, immunisation providers can report Q fever vaccines (Q-Vax) and natural immunity information to the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR).
这 Australian Q Fever Register will be closed. Those with an existing Q fever record can access their Q fever vaccination/natural immunity eStatement via the Australian Q Fever Register and take it to an immunisation provider to be reported to AIR.
Individuals can access the Australian Q Fever Register, including their Q Fever eStatement, until 30 June 2025.
TGA: Abrysvo RSV vaccine registered for use
On 20 March 2024, the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine Abrysvo was registered by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA). Abrysvo is indicated for:
- pregnant people between 24 and 36 weeks gestation for the prevention of lower respiratory tract disease caused by RSV in infants from birth to 6 months of age
- adults aged 60 years and older for the prevention of lower repiratory tract disease caused by RSV.
Abrysvo is a recombinant respiratory syncytial virus pre-fusion F protein vaccine. Guidance on its use is yet to come.
TGA: Guidance and resources on Abrysvo
Immunisation Coalition: HPV Update webinar recording
这 Immunisation Coalition HPV Update webinar was held on 13 March 2024, presented by Angela Newbound and moderated by Andrew Minton.
A recording of the webinar is now available on the Immunisation Coalition event page.
Immunisation Coalition: Free flu vaccines
As part of Immunisation Action Week, the Immunisation Coalition will be running a free Influenza Vaccination Day in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide. In Melbourne, the free vaccine is available for people aged between 18 and 64 years. Walk-ins may be available on the day, but booking is recommended to secure a place.
Melbourne Vaccination Day:
Tuesday 30 April 2024 10 am–4 pm
Melbourne Town Hall , 90/130 Swanston Street, Melbourne 3000
Learn more and registered via the Immunisation Coalition’s event page.
ABC: Q fever case spike in Qld drives push for more accessible vaccine
As reported by ABC in March, Queensland has reported 89 Q fever infections since the beginning of 2024, an increase of almost 90% compared to the same time in 2023.
Q fever is caused by infection with the Coxiella burnetii bacteria. Bacterial reservoirs for human infection primarily include cattle, sheep, and goats; however, other animals can also be infected. Transmission occurs via the inhalation of infected aerosols or contaminated soil, dusts or water droplets.
The vaccine Q-Vax is recommended for those aged over 15 years in specific high-risk occupational groups. Q-Vax is available for private purchase. Researchers in Queensland are developing a new vaccine which they hope will be more accessible.
ABC: Q fever case spike in Qld drives renewed push for more accessible vaccine for ‘nasty’ bacterial disease (March 2024)
ABC: Q fever vaccine funding boosted as the hunt for a better solution continues (August 2020)
MVEC: Q fever