ATAGI 关于冬季加强剂量 COVID-19 疫苗建议的声明

作为冬季准备工作的一部分,ATAGI 已为被确定为患严重 COVID-19 疾病风险最高的特定人群提供了额外的 COVID-19 疫苗冬季加强剂量的建议。 这些团体包括: 

  • ≥ 65 岁的个人   
  • 老年护理或残疾护理机构的居民  
  • ≥ 16 岁的个人 严重的免疫功能低下 
  • 50 岁以上的原住民和托雷斯海峡岛民。 

根据 2022 年流感疫苗接种计划,将于 4 月开始推出冬季加强剂,两种疫苗可以在适当的情况下联合接种。 COVID-19 疫苗的冬季加强剂量可以从前一次加强剂量/确认的 SARS-CoV-2 感染(以较晚者为准)起 ≥ 4 个月开始接种。

mRNA 疫苗(Comirnaty(辉瑞)或 Spikevax(Moderna))仍然是用作加强剂量的推荐品牌,Vaxzevria(阿斯利康)可用于对 mRNA 疫苗有禁忌症的人。 Nuvaxovid (Novavax) 可用于认为没有其他疫苗品牌适合的情况。

ATAGI 表示,目前没有足够的证据支持为其他人提供额外助推器的建议。对于这些群体,通过 COVID-19 疫苗初级疗程和随后的 1 剂加强剂的保护继续提供良好的保护,避免因 COVID-19 疾病住院。随着更多证据的出现,未来可能会考虑进一步的建议。


ATAGI 关于冬季加强剂量 COVID-19 疫苗建议的声明

The Conversation: Do COVID boosters cause more or fewer side effects? How quickly does protection wane? Your questions answered

With more than 2,400 people currently in hospital, the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) recommends Australians aged 16 years and older have a COVID-19 booster vaccine to ensure high levels of protection against severe disease and hospitalisation. A booster dose of the COVID vaccine, three months following the completion of the primary course can provide a similar level of protection against Omicron as two primary doses against Delta. 

Additionally, data shows that the booster dose renders milder side effects compared to the first 2 doses with less than 1% of people reporting the need for a medical consultation. 

This article explores the benefits of a booster vaccine compared to the primary 2 doses, the time frame recommendation for receiving a booster following COVID infection, and whether additional vaccine doses will be required in the future.  


Do COVID boosters cause more or fewer side effects? How quickly does protection wane? Your questions answered 

Sydney Morning Herald: Fourth COVID vaccine shot found to be highly effective

A preliminary study published by Israel’s Sheba medical centre found that a fourth dose of the COVID-19 vaccine administered to people 60 years and over, made them three times more resistant to serious illness and twice as resistant to infection than thrice-vaccinated people in the same age group.  

Moving forward, Pfizer’s chief executive Albert Bourla said annual COVID-19 vaccine boosters would be preferable to more frequent boosters

At this stage, Pfizer is nearly ready to file for approval for a redesigned vaccine that targets Omicron while still protecting against other variants.  


Fourth COVID vaccine shot found to be highly effective 

ABC: Should I mix or match my booster? Your COVID-19 vaccine questions answered

ATAGI recommends that everyone aged 18 years and over to receive a booster dose of the Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 vaccine, regardless of which vaccine they received for their primary course.

With over 5 million people now triple jabbed, Australia’s COVID-19 booster rollout is well underway.

This article explores some of the clinical data and considerations regarding the COVID-19 boosters.

To read the full article, follow the link below.
Should I mix or match my booster? Your COVID-19 vaccine questions answered