
专家警告说,今年儿童越来越容易感染流感病。 MVEC 的儿科传染病专家 Angela Berkhout 博士解释说,由于冠状病毒大流行,儿童,尤其是两岁以下儿童对流感的自然免疫力较低。  

虽然流感季节尚未达到高峰,但昆士兰州的医院已经涌入了大量需要住院治疗的流感患者,包括重症监护。本文探讨了为儿童、65 岁以上的老年人和其他弱势群体接种疫苗的主要考虑因素。  



有关流感疫苗和 2022 年流感季节的更多信息,请参阅我们的以下资源: 




SMH: The flu shot: when is it safe to get it after having COVID?

With flu season underway in Australia and an increasing number of cases already confirmed, people are encouraged not to delay their yearly influenza vaccine, which is recommended for anyone 6 months of age and over. 

The article features MVEC’s A/Prof Nigel Crawford, who addresses the key considerations such as ideal timing for the influenza vaccination, considerations for people with underlying medical conditions, advice for parents regarding children, and when to get the influenza vaccine post COVID-19 infection. 


SMH: The flu shot: when is it safe to get it after having COVID?

有关流感疫苗和 2022 年流感季节的更多信息,请参阅我们的以下资源: 




The Conversation: Flu, COVID and flurona: what we can and can’t expect this winter

With international borders open and public health measures alleviated, it is highly likely that COVID-19 and influenza will be circulating simultaneously in Australian communities this coming winter. 

This article addresses some probable outcomes and provides helpful tips on how people can protect themselves during this flu season.  

Click on the link below to read the full article: 

Flu, COVID and flurona: what we can and can’t expect this winter 

ABC: Australians urged to get flu shot, with children more at risk from influenza than COVID-19

As Australia reopens its’ international borders to visa holders and fully vaccinated travellers on February 21, health authorities are preparing for the first significant influenza season in three years.  

Experts warn that it's particularly important that pregnant women and children receive the influenza vaccine as they are at increased risk of experiencing severe symptoms and more likely to require medical intervention and/or hospitalisation.  

University of Sydney infectious disease expert Dr Booy said “I would say the flu in young children is worse than COVID is in young children”. 

Australians urged to get flu shot, with children more at risk from influenza than COVID-19 


ABC 报道的新数据表明,在 COVID-19 大流行期间实施的社交距离措施、减少旅行和其他限制似乎导致流感病例数量急剧下降。 




MVEC 团队强烈支持接种疫苗作为预防季节性流感的一种方式,请阅读我们的更多信息 MVEC 流感疫苗建议


Based on prospective and retrospective studies of influenza vaccination in those with and without egg allergy (including egg anaphylaxis), the presence of egg allergy does not increase the risk of allergic reactions to the influenza vaccine and can be administered in a community immunisation setting, as a single dose, followed by the recommended 15 minute observation period. 

For further information please see the following: