
黄热病是一种通过蚊媒传播的疾病,可导致严重的并发症甚至死亡。治疗是支持性的,接种疫苗是预防疾病的最重要策略;为超过 95% 的接种疫苗的人提供免疫力。目前,许多指南建议鸡蛋过敏反应是接受黄热病疫苗 (YFV) 的禁忌症,澳大利亚免疫手册建议需要疫苗的人与免疫学家或过敏症专家讨论这个问题,因为 YFV 含有鸡蛋卵清蛋白。

由于该疾病的严重性,一些国家/地区要求将免疫证明作为入境要求,并且针对鸡蛋过敏人群的 YFV 指南差异很大;来自国家免疫研究与监测中心 (NCIRS) 和墨尔本皇家儿童医院的研究人员发表了一个案例系列,建议对轻度鸡蛋过敏的患者可能不需要进行皮肤测试,并且采用两步分级挑战在医疗监督下进行是一种安全的选择。


儿科传染病杂志:EGG 过敏儿童的黄热病疫苗接种


2020 年 7 月 1 日起 NIP 即将发生的变化

2020 年 7 月 1 日,国家免疫计划 (NIP) 将发生几项变化:

免费 NIP 肺炎球菌疫苗(Prevenar 13®、Pneumovax 23®)的资格

  • 为 65 岁的健康非土著成年人停止 Pneumovax 23®
  • 为 ≥ 70 岁的健康非土著成年人开始使用 Prevenar 13®
  • 为 ≥ 50 岁的土著成年人开始 Prevenar 13® 加上一生中 2 剂 Pneumovax 23®
  • 开始为 12 个月以上(包括青少年和成人)新诊断出的风险状况的 Prevenar 13® 加上一生中 2 剂 Pneumovax 23®
  • 新的风险条件资格标准

免费 NIP B 型脑膜炎球菌 (Bexsero®) 疫苗的资格:

  • 原住民和托雷斯海峡岛民婴儿在 2、4 和 12 个月大时接受 2 剂 Bexsero® 初级剂量和 1 剂加强剂
  • 到 2023 年 6 月 30 日为止,所有 2 岁以下的原住民和托雷斯海峡岛民儿童均可使用 Bexsero® 补充 3 年
  • 一些有风险的人将有资格使用 Bexsero®


临床更新:自 2020 年 7 月 1 日起国家免疫计划 (NIP) 时间表发生变化——给疫苗接种提供者的建议

Who's leading the race? A guide to coronavirus vaccines in the pipeline

This article from the ABC takes a closer look at some of the candidates in the race to making an effective SARS-CoV-2 vaccine. It looks at the ten vaccines currently in human trials (as at May 24, 2020). 

Different kinds of vaccines in development are also discussed, both an experimental genetic vaccine as well as a viral vector vaccine; and which stage of trials these vaccines are currently at.


ABC: Who's leading the race? A guide to coronavirus vaccines in the pipeline

Stay tuned for our latest podcast series launching this week, COVID19 Road to a vaccine. Associate Professor Nigel Crawford, Director of SAEFVIC, will be discussing the different steps involved in creating a new vaccine with global vaccine experts. 


Hepatitis A outbreak in Victoria

There is an ongoing hepatitis A outbreak in Victoria largely among people use drugs (primarily by injection) and people experiencing homelessness. According to the Department of Health, as of the 6th May 2020, there have been 56 confirmed cases and 6 possible cases associated with this outbreak since mid 2019. 

In order to control this outbreak a hepatitis A vaccination program targeting affected people groups (people who use drugs and those experiencing homelessness) will be available until the 31st August, 2020.

Hepatitis B vaccine should also be offered as hepatitis B and C have a high rate of prevalence among people who inject drugs. Influenza vaccine should also be offered. 

Read the full Department of Health advisory here: Hepatitis A outbreak


New NCIRS resource - Influenza vaccination during COVID-19 - FAQs for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are at an increased risk of serious disease when they contract influenza. During the current COVID-19 pandemic, it is more important than ever that Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander people are accessing an influenza vaccine. The influenza vaccine is funded under the National Immunisation Program for all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people aged 6-months and over. 

NCIRS have created a new FAQ resource addressing questions most frequently asked by people in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community:

NCIRS: Influenza vaccination during COVID-19 - FAQs for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people

Are children with asthma at a greater risk of severe disease with COVID-19?

The Murdoch Children’s Research Institute (MCRI) are conducting extensive research into why children are more mildly affected by COVID-19. They are also investigating whether chronic health conditions such as asthma increase the risk of severe disease.

Read more about how children with asthma may be affected by COVID-19 at the link below:

MCRI: COVID-19 and asthma: what are the risks for children?

COVID-19 大流行期间维持免疫服务的 ATAGI 指导原则

Immunisation remains an essential service during the COVID-19 pandemic and it is very important immunisation providers maintain routine immunisation services whilst complying with measures to reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19.

If scheduled vaccines are missed or delayed and the overall vaccination coverage rates drop, the risk of a resurgence of a well-controlled vaccine preventable disease like measles is increased. If this happens during or after the current pandemic, it places further stress on the health care system.

With this  in mind, ATAGI (Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation) have released guiding principles on maintaining immunisation services during the COVID-19 pandemic:

ATAGI: Guiding principles for maintaining immunisation services during the COVID-19 pandemic


Based on prospective and retrospective studies of influenza vaccination in those with and without egg allergy (including egg anaphylaxis), the presence of egg allergy does not increase the risk of allergic reactions to the influenza vaccine and can be administered in a community immunisation setting, as a single dose, followed by the recommended 15 minute observation period. 

For further information please see the following:



The Australian Immunisation Handbook is now available in an app! It can be downloaded from the App Store or Google Play.

Download Instructions:

  1. Search for "Immunisation Handbook" in either of the above app stores on the device you wish to add the Handbook App.
  2. Select the Australian Immunisation Handbook App. (Depending on your device, this may have either “Australian Department of Health” or “Medical” as the sub-header.)
  3. Click the Download icon to start.
  4. When the download is finished, you can open the App.
  5. The first time you open the App it will take approximately 1-2 minutes. (This is to store all the data into your device.)

世界免疫周 2020 年 4 月 24 日至 30 日


世界免疫周(WIW)的目的是促进疫苗的使用,以保护所有年龄段的人免受疾病侵害。每年,免疫接种可以挽救数百万人的生命,它被广泛认为是最成功和最具成本效益的健康干预措施之一。然而,全球仍有近 2000 万儿童未接种疫苗或疫苗接种不足。

作为疫苗安全网络(世界卫生组织建立的全球网站网络)的自豪成员,MVEC 很高兴庆祝 WIW。加入我们 FacebookInstagram的 我们庆祝 WIW 的主题是 #VaccinesWork for All,重点关注开发、提供和接受疫苗的人们。

在此阅读有关 WIW 的更多信息:
