New immunisation reference pages: COVID-19 vaccines

In 2020, the Australian Government entered into four Advance Purchase Agreements (APA) for the supply of COVID-19 vaccines, if they prove safe and effective. More than $3.3 billion has been invested through these agreements, putting Australia in a strong position to access safe and effective vaccines when they become available. In 2021, three of these vaccines are still active, with the 4 (University of Queensland) withdrawn from clinical trials. Our new reference pages detail information regarding the clinical trials of each vaccine candidate, interim data on their safety and efficacy, as well as other vaccine specific information.

To read more please refer to the links below:

CNN: How some states are administering Covid-19 vaccines at twice the speed of others

Data from the CDC reveals that of the 31 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine that have been distributed to the various jurisdictions in the United States, only 39% (12.2 million doses) have actually been administered. Those states with the highest vaccination rates have suggested that preparation, communication and strategic planning have been vital in vaccine rollout.


CNN: How some states are administering Covid-19 vaccines at twice the speed of others

ABC 电台:尽管有老年人死亡,挪威仍将继续使用辉瑞的新冠疫苗

挪威药品管理局医疗主任 Steinar Madsen 博士接受了 ABC 电台采访,讨论了最近老年人接种辉瑞/BioNTech COVID-19 疫苗后死亡的报道。虽然调查正在进行中,但他强调副作用很少见,挪威将继续使用这种疫苗,作为其 COVID-19 疫苗推广的一部分。


ABC 电台:尽管有老年人死亡,挪威仍将继续使用辉瑞的新冠疫苗

TGA:挪威对老年、非常虚弱患者的 COVID-19 疫苗接种风险进行调查

最近挪威有报道称,接种辉瑞/BioNTech COVID-19 疫苗的 40,000 名老年人中有 30 多人死亡。死亡与接种疫苗后发烧、恶心和腹泻有关。接种疫苗后预计会出现此类不良事件,并且通常是短暂的。记录的死亡病例是非常虚弱的患者,他们的预期寿命只有几周到几个月。

TGA 正在与欧洲监管机构密切合作,进一步调查这些报告,并将确定辉瑞/BioNTech 疫苗的产品信息是否应包含有关体弱、老年人或绝症患者风险的警告。

通过以下链接阅读 TGA 声明的更多内容:

TGA:挪威对老年、非常虚弱患者的 COVID-19 疫苗接种风险进行调查


人口接近 18,000 人的小岛国帕劳已成功摆脱了 COVID-19 疾病的困扰。作为与美国“自由联合”协议的一部分,帕劳可以获得 Moderna COVID-19 疫苗,并计划到 2021 年 4 月实现几乎所有人口的免疫。



保存我们首个 CVU 迷你系列活动的日期:2021 年 2 月 8 日

MVEC 很高兴地宣布我们首届 CVU 迷你系列活动的详细信息!

什么时候: 2021 年 2 月 8 日
时间: 7:00-8:30 下午


  • COVID-19 疫苗概况(阿斯利康/辉瑞)
  • 维多利亚州 COVID-19 疫苗概况扫描
  • 维多利亚州 COVID-19 疫苗推出信息

成本: 自由的

更多详细信息和注册信息将很快通过我们的 事件 页。请注意,本次活动将通过 Zoom 虚拟方式举行。



许多科学家呼吁暂停拟议中的 COVID-19 疫苗推广,这是一个令人担忧的问题。

The following article suggests that Australia's initial public health goal should be a rapid vaccine rollout and not herd immunity, in order to limit further risk of major illness. In order to achieve a rapid rollout, both the AstraZeneca and Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines are needed. Recent modelling suggests that vaccination will most likely shift SARS-CoV-2 from a virus causing major disease burden, to a relatively benign coronavirus causing the common cold.



高峰机构支持澳大利亚的 COVID-19 疫苗战略

在 2020 年 1 月 13 日发布的声明中, 澳大利亚传染病协会 (ASID), 这 澳大利亚感染预防与控制学院 (ACIPC)澳大利亚公共卫生协会 (PHAA) have shown support for the Commonwealth Government's COVID-19 vaccine strategy. The statement suggests that recent media reports surrounding concerns for the ability of any vaccine to create herd immunity is unjustified and reinforces that the public should have confidence in the approach being taken to provide COVID-19 vaccines to Australians.


高峰机构支持澳大利亚的 COVID-19 疫苗战略

养育儿童网络 - 新的免疫资源

MVEC 与 育儿网 开发以父母为中心的免疫资源,解释疫苗免疫力和疫苗开发过程。





New immunisation reference page: COVID-19 vaccine platforms

Multiple different vaccine technologies or 'platforms' are being trialled by the over 200 COVID-19 vaccine candidates currently in development in an effort to limit the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Our new reference page provides a summary of the different approaches, including the newer or 'novel' platforms, and highlights the COVID-19 vaccine candidates in the most advanced stages of clinical trials.

To learn more follow the link below:

MVEC: COVID-19 vaccine platforms