New immunisation reference page: Live-attenuated vaccines in patients receiving regular red blood cell transfusions

Patients receiving regular red blood cell transfusions to treat chronic medical conditions such as transfusion dependent thalassaemia, sickle cell disease, inherited chronic haemolytic anaemias, or inherited bone marrow failure syndromes are often left unprotected from vaccine preventable diseases due to not meeting the required intervals between red blood cell transfusions. Evidence in this space is limited, however specialist advice suggests that immunisation of this patient group with live-attenuated vaccines is safe and recommended. As such, MVEC has created a new reference page outlining the process of immunisation for these patients. Please refer to MVEC:接受定期红细胞输注的患者的减毒活疫苗 了解更多信息。



Zostavax safety advisory

The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) have reiterated their advice that Zostavax should not be administered to immunocompromised individuals as it is associated with a risk of mild-serious complications. This advice follows a report of a new case of a patient who was taking hydroxychloroquine and a low dose of prednisolone who died three weeks after receiving the Zostavax vaccine. Whilst it was found that the Zostavax was administered in line with existing recommendations it is important that health professionals are aware of the potential of this kind of very rare adverse event. 


TGA: Zostavax vaccine 

And for more information on Zoster and to access the Zostavax GP Decision Aid refer to the MVEC:带状疱疹 immunisation reference page. 


Based on prospective and retrospective studies of influenza vaccination in those with and without egg allergy (including egg anaphylaxis), the presence of egg allergy does not increase the risk of allergic reactions to the influenza vaccine and can be administered in a community immunisation setting, as a single dose, followed by the recommended 15 minute observation period. 

For further information please see the following:




要了解有关皮内疫苗接种、哪些疫苗可以通过这种方式接种以及如何接种皮内疫苗的更多信息,请参阅我们新的免疫接种参考页面, MVEC:皮内免疫接种


维多利亚州药剂师免疫人员现在被授权为 10 岁及以上的患者接种流感疫苗,为 15 岁及以上的患者接种含百日咳、麻疹-腮腺炎-风疹和脑膜炎球菌的 ACWY 疫苗。 

有关更多信息,请参阅最新的 DHHS 秘书批准:药剂师免疫员。

另请参阅我们的更新 MVEC:药剂师免疫页面MVEC:流感疫苗建议 页。 

我如何知道在 2020 年流感季节使用哪个流感品牌?

在 2020 年流感季节,澳大利亚有多种季节性流感疫苗可供使用。

一些流感品牌已经在流通。这可能会造成一些混乱,因此我们鼓励大家在 2020 年熟悉品牌和剂量指南。
2020 年流感品牌和剂量指南:
年龄阶层 品牌和剂量
FluQuadri® 0.5ml(赛诺菲) Vaxigrip Tetra® 0.5ml(赛诺菲) Fluarix Tetra® 0.5ml (GSK) Afluria Quad® 0.5ml(Seqirus) Influvac Tetra® 0.5ml(Mylan) Fluad® Quad 0.5ml (Seqirus)
<6个月 太小不能接种疫苗 (N/A)
6 至 35 个月(<3 年)*¥ 0.5毫升 0.5毫升 0.5毫升 不适用 不适用 不适用
≥3 年至 <5 年 *¥ 0.5毫升 0.5毫升 0.5毫升 不适用 0.5毫升 不适用
≥5 至 <65 岁 *¥ 0.5毫升 0.5毫升 0.5毫升 0.5毫升 0.5毫升 不适用


0.5毫升 0.5毫升 0.5毫升 0.5毫升 0.5毫升 0.5ml#

有关 2020 年季节性流感疫苗的更多信息,请参阅我们的 MVEC 资源: 流感疫苗建议



Influenza vaccine 2020 FAQ's

MVEC’s Frequently Asked Questions for the 2020 Influenza season are now available online

To view our reference page please click on the following link:

MVEC: Influenza vaccines: Frequently asked questions 

MVEC Influenza recommendations 2020

For information on influenza immunisation for the 2020 season, including age specific brands, dosing guidelines and advice for at risk groups, please refer to:

MVEC: Influenza vaccine recommendations 2020 

New immunisation reference page: Gelatin allergy and vaccines

Gelatin in vaccines can cause allergic reactions therefore people with severe allergies to gelatin should avoid gelatin-containing vaccines. See our new Gelatin allergy and vaccines reference page for more information.

MVEC: Gelatin allergy & vaccines