Save the date for our 2022 Clinical Vaccinology Update!

MVEC are pleased to announce that our next Clinical Vaccinology Update (CVU) will take place on Friday 28 October. The event will be held in-person at the University of Melbourne. 

The CVU will provide an opportunity for immunisation providers, industry partners and vaccine experts to come together for interactive professional development and networking. 

Program details and ticketing information will be announced shortly via our MVEC Events Page

对话:针对 5 岁以下儿童的 COVID 疫苗即将问世。这是父母需要知道的

治疗用品管理局 (TGA) 已临时批准了适用于 6 个月以上儿童的 Moderna COVID-19 疫苗儿科剂量。  

MVEC 的 Daryl Cheng 博士和 Margie Danchin 副教授探讨了在澳大利亚向该人群推出 Moderna 疫苗之前父母需要了解的内容,包括疫苗的安全性和有效性以及在该年龄段接种疫苗的好处和影响本文。  

对话:针对 5 岁以下儿童的 COVID 疫苗即将问世。这是父母需要知道的 

Updated MVEC immunisation reference page: Travel medicine

Travel medicine focuses on disease prevention and injury risk minimisation for anyone travelling internationally. Recommendations can be based upon the travelling person’s individual circumstances such as the location and purpose of travel, duration and time of year of travel, as well as any underlying medical conditions or other risk factors. 

MVEC’s reference page on 旅行药 has recently been updated. This resource outlines: 

  • where to get travel advice and when to seek advice 
  • vaccines for travellers 
  • immunocompromised and pregnant travellers 
  • advice for visiting friends and relatives (VFR). 

MVEC: Travel medicine

MVEC 的免疫技能研讨会 - 宣布新日期

由于维多利亚州 COVID-19 病例数增加以及皇家儿童医院 (RCH) 实施访客限制,我们原定于 9 月 2 日在 RCH 举行的免疫技能研讨会已改期为 25 日星期五 十一月。我们期待在接下来的几周内公布计划详情并开放此活动的注册。

VicSIS 更新 - 服务已更改

从 2022 年 7 月起,VicSIS(维多利亚专家免疫服务网络)提供的服务发生了变化。 VicSIS 诊所的数量及其地点已经减少,成人服务现在仅在 Barwon Health、Austin Health、Monash Health 和 Peter MacCallum 癌症中心提供。由于这些变化,预约的等待时间可能会更长,因此应告知患者。 

此外,VicSIS 不再资助支持儿科 COVID-19 疫苗接种。需要专家建议的 15 岁及以下儿童可以通过皇家儿童医院和莫纳什健康中心现有的专家免疫诊所进行检查。这些服务的推荐应继续通过 VicSIS eReferral 门户提交。 

有关 VicSIS 的更多信息,请参阅以下链接: 


ATAGI 更新了冬季剂量 COVID-19 疫苗的建议

ATAGI 扩大了推荐接受 COVID-19 冬季加强剂量的人群,现在包括:  

  • 任何 50 岁及以上的成年人(包括原住民和托雷斯海峡岛民)   
  • 16 岁及以上的老年护理或残疾护理居民   
  • 16 岁及以上患有严重疾病的人 免疫功能低下, 残疾或复杂的健康需求,或患有多种合并症的人,这可能会增加较差结果的可能性。  

此外,任何希望降低 COVID-19 感染可能性的 30-49 岁成年人也可以接受冬季加强剂量。之前 COVID-19 感染或之前加强剂量与冬季加强剂量之间的推荐间隔为 3 个月。 

ATAGI 关切地注意到,加强剂量的覆盖范围(第一剂和冬季剂)对符合条件的人群来说并不理想,并强调了疫苗接种在预防严重感染和住院方面的重要性。  


ATAGI 更新了冬季剂量 COVID-19 疫苗的建议


伤寒和副伤寒是细菌感染,统称为肠热,由肠杆菌亚种血清型伤寒和副伤寒 A、B 和 C 引起。症状从轻微到严重不等,如果不及时治疗,可能会导致严重的并发症甚至死亡.它们可能包括长时间发烧、腹部症状或菌血症(血液中的细菌)。



New immunisation reference page: Mandatory vaccine directions in Victoria

A vaccine mandate means that proof of vaccination, or an authorised medical exemption, is required in certain settings. In our new reference page, we provide information on the vaccine mandates affecting Victorians, including COVID-19 and influenza directions and “No jab, no play” and “No jab, no pay” legislations. Also included is information on the responsibility of the employee/service provider/individual and medical exemptions.  

For further information, click on the link below: 

MVEC: Mandatory vaccine direction in Victoria

Save the date for MVEC’s Immunisation Skills Workshop – Friday 2 September 2022

MVEC are pleased to invite you to save the date for our 免疫技能研讨会 taking place on Friday 2nd September. 

The full day interactive, face-to-face workshop is MVEC’s newest learning opportunity designed to provide education and upskilling in the principles and processes of managing: 

  • 有效的疫苗沟通 
  • 错误预防和管理 
  • anaphylaxis and acute stress responses 

Participants will hear from immunisation experts and have the opportunity to engage in simulated scenarios. 

The workshop will account for 12 nursing CPD hours and up to 24 points of CPD for pharmacist immunisers (including preparation and reading time). 

Further program details and a link to register will be available via our 活动页面 soon. 

NCIRS resource now available – Influenza vaccination coverage data

NCIRS have published a report outlining influenza vaccination coverage according to state/territory as well as age group, in Australia in 2022. Rates are compared to vaccination coverage reported in 2020 and 2021. This report will be updated weekly and uses data obtained from the Australian Immunisation Register.  

Influenza vaccines are recommended for all people aged ≥ 6 months. They are provided for free on the National Immunisation Program (NIP) for at-risk groups including children under 5, people with specific medical risk factors, pregnant women, people aged 65 and over and all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders aged ≥ 6 months. Some individual jurisdictions are also providing free flu vaccination for all aged ≥ 6 months. Any other individuals who are unable to source a funded vaccine can obtain a flu vaccine for a small fee.  

As of the 11 June 2022, 31.6% of Australians aged 6 months and above had received an influenza vaccination, and just 20.2% of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples had received one.  

To view the NCIRS data, please click on the link below.
NCIRS Influenza vaccination coverage data 

For more information on influenza vaccines, please click on the link below. 
MVEC: Influenza recommendations