New resource for seniors added to the MVEC immunisation hub for the general public

Due to the immune system becoming less effective as we age and the increasing risk of severe disease, immunisation is an important aspect of health promotion for seniors.  

Our dedicated immunisation resource includes information for seniors on vaccine preventable diseases, vaccine recommendations, answers to frequently asked questions and links to further resources. 

MVEC’s hub of up-to-date and reliable information aims to increase the public’s awareness and understanding of vaccine preventable diseases and promote the benefits of immunisation for people of all ages. 

If you are interested in collaborating with MVEC to develop immunisation resources, we’d love to hear from you! 

To access this new resource for seniors, please click on the link below:  

Resource for seniors: MVEC’s new Immunisation hub for the general public


ATAGI recommendations on first booster dose in adolescents aged 12-15 years

ATAGI has provided updated advice regarding COVID-19 booster doses for those aged 12-15 years. 

A single booster dose of Comirnaty (Pfizer) is now recommended for the following select groups:  

  • those who are severely immunocompromised 
  • those who have a disability with significant or complex health needs 
  • those who have complex and/or multiple health conditions that increase the risk of severe COVID-19. 

Booster doses can be administered ≥ 3 months after the completion of the primary course, or ≥ 3 months after COVID-19 infection (whichever is later).  

There is currently insufficient evidence to support expanding this booster dose recommendation to other groups of adolescents aged 12-15 years, however this advice may change in the future as more evidence emerges.  


ATAGI recommendations on first booster dose in adolescents aged 12-15 years 

Updated MVEC immunisation reference page: Kawasaki disease and immunisation

MVEC’s reference page on 川崎病与免疫 has recently been updated. This resource outlines:  

  • what Kawasaki disease is 
  • vaccine recommendations for providers 
  • specific precautions to take when vaccinating 


MVEC: Kawasaki disease and immunisation 

ABC Radio Canberra with A/Prof Nigel Crawford: Influenza and the importance of the flu vaccine for children under five.

MVEC’s Associate Professor Nigel Crawford was interviewed by ABC Radio Canberra to discuss influenza in children under five. With younger children at greater risk of contracting severe disease, A/Prof Crawford explains the importance of vaccinating children every flu season to ensure the best protection. 

You can listen to the interview here:
ABC Radio Canberra: Influenza and the importance of the flu vaccine for children under five.

Updated MVEC immunisation reference page: Meningococcal

MVEC的 meningococcal immunisation reference page has been updated. This resource details: 

  • meningococcal disease information, including symptoms and epidemiology 
  • recommendations for meningococcal ACWY vaccination 
  • recommendations for meningococcal B vaccination 



Expanded ATAGI recommendations on winter COVID-19 booster doses for people at increased risk of severe COVID-19

ATAGI have updated their COVID-19 winter booster dose recommendations to include additional risk groups. The groups now eligible for winter booster doses include: 

  • Any adult aged 65 years and older  
  • 16 岁及以上的老年护理或残疾护理居民  
  • 16 岁及以上患有严重疾病的人 免疫妥协 
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adults aged 50 years and older.  
  • Individuals from 16 years of age who have complex, chronic or severe conditions [refer to page 3 of ATAGI statement below] 

COVID-19 winter booster doses are not currently recommended for other groups including healthy people aged 16 to 64 years, healthy individuals with occupational risk factors (eg. healthcare workers) or pregnant women without additional risk factors.  

mRNA vaccines are the preferred option for booster doses with Comirnaty (Pfizer) available to give from 16 years of age and Spikevax (Moderna) from 18 years. In people aged 18 years or older with a contraindication to mRNA vaccines Vaxzevria (AstraZeneca) may be considered. Nuvaxovid (Novavax) can be used in individuals 18 years or older in circumstances where no other COVID-19 vaccine is suitable. 

Expanded ATAGI recommendations on winter COVID-19 booster doses for people at increased risk of severe COVID-19

New resource added to the MVEC immunisation hub for the general public

Adolescence is an important time to have vaccines due to an increased risk of exposure to some diseases as well as the decrease in previous immunity gained from childhood vaccines. 

Our dedicated immunisation resource for teenagers includes information on vaccine preventable diseases, vaccine recommendations, answers to frequently asked questions and links to further resources. 

MVEC’s hub of up-to-date and reliable information aims to increase the public’s awareness and understanding of vaccine preventable diseases and promote the benefits of immunisation for people of all ages. 

If you are interested in collaborating with MVEC to develop immunisation resources, we’d love to hear from you! 

To access the new MVEC immunisation hub, please click on the link below: 

MVEC’s Immunisation hub for the general public 


专家警告说,今年儿童越来越容易感染流感病。 MVEC 的儿科传染病专家 Angela Berkhout 博士解释说,由于冠状病毒大流行,儿童,尤其是两岁以下儿童对流感的自然免疫力较低。  

虽然流感季节尚未达到高峰,但昆士兰州的医院已经涌入了大量需要住院治疗的流感患者,包括重症监护。本文探讨了为儿童、65 岁以上的老年人和其他弱势群体接种疫苗的主要考虑因素。  



有关流感疫苗和 2022 年流感季节的更多信息,请参阅我们的以下资源: 




New immunisation reference page: Febrile seizures (Febrile convulsions)

Febrile seizures are typically triggered by a sudden rise in temperature and more commonly occur in very young children.  Febrile seizures can be classified as simple or complex, with 1 in 30 children experiencing a febrile seizure at some point during their childhood.  

Although vaccines can cause fevers, febrile seizures following vaccination are not common.  

Our new reference page provides an overview of febrile seizures and outlines the recommendations following a vaccine proximate seizure.  


MVEC: Febrile seizures (Febrile convulsions)

ATAGI Advice on mRNA COVID-19 vaccine dose intervals and COVID-19 vaccination post infection

ATAGI have provided updated advice on mRNA COVID-19 vaccine dose intervals and COVID-19 vaccination post infection. 

It is now recommended that the dose interval between primary doses of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines should be extended to 8 weeks, with the extended dose interval shown to improve effectiveness and immune response to vaccination, as well as potentially also reduce the risk of myocarditis and pericarditis. 

ATAGI have also recommended that COVID-19 vaccination is deferred 3 months following COVID-19 infection to optimise protection.

To read the updated recommendations in full, please click on the link below. 

ATAGI Advice on mRNA COVID-19 vaccine dose intervals and COVID-19 vaccination post infection