COVID19 疫苗之路第 6 集:Paul Offit 教授

在我们的 COVID19 疫苗之路系列的第 6 集中,我们的主持人 Nigel Crawford 副教授与 Paul Offit 教授进行了对话。 Offit 教授是一位传染病医生,也是费城儿童医院 (CHoP) 疫苗教育中心 (VEC) 的主任。 VEC 网站启发了墨尔本疫苗教育中心的创建,该中心是该播客系列的主办方。 


  • SARS-CoV-2 对医护人员的影响以及疫苗的重要性
  • 大流行中的预防性治疗和随机对照试验,特别是使用羟氯喹治疗 COVID-19 以及涉及医护人员的其他试验
  • 儿童中的 COVID-19 - 它们在传播中发挥作用吗?它们会成为疫苗研究的目标吗?
  • 儿科炎症多系统综合症 (PIMS) - 我们如何将这种新出现的病症纳入安全计划?



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在我们的新冠疫苗之路系列的第五集中,我们的主持人 Nigel Crawford 副教授与 Terry Nolan 教授进行了对话。诺兰教授是多尔蒂感染与免疫研究所的雷蒙德·巴里杰出教授。他领导着疫苗和免疫研究小组 VIRGO,该小组是默多克儿童研究所和墨尔本大学的合作项目。 VIRGO 拥有澳大利亚规模最大、历史最悠久的儿童和青少年疫苗群体研究和临床试验项目。他此前曾担任澳大利亚免疫技术咨询小组 ATAGI 的主席,并且是世界卫生组织疫苗和免疫主要咨询小组 SAGE 的成员。他们从澳大利亚的角度讨论了 COVID-19 候选疫苗以及澳大利亚在全球临床试验中的作用。  



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COVID19 疫苗之路播客第 4 集:Kanta Subbarao 教授

在我们的 COVID19 疫苗之路系列的第四集中,我们的主持人 Nigel Crawford 副教授将与 Kanta Subbarao 教授交谈。 Subbarao 教授自 2016 年起担任世界卫生组织流感参考和研究合作中心主任,该中心位于多尔蒂研究所 大学 澳大利亚墨尔本。她是一位病毒学家和医生,专门研究儿科传染病。她的研究重点是 流感,以及 具有全球重要性的新出现的病毒性疾病,例如 SARS 和 MERS,其中包括对感染和疫苗接种的免疫反应。 


  • SARS-CoV-2 的具体病毒特征
  • VIDRL(维多利亚传染病参考实验室)的生物安全实验室如何培养 SARS-CoV-2 病毒并在全球传播其研究结果
  • 冠状病毒的起源以及这种大流行毒株为何不同
  • 刺突蛋白和抗体在 SARS-CoV-2 疫苗开发中发挥的重要作用
  • SARS-CoV-2 疫苗开发中的免疫学原理
  • 如何确定抗体是否具有功能性和保护性 
  • SARS-CoV-2 随时间变化的可能性 

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COVID19 疫苗之路播客第 3 集:Andrew Pollard 教授

在“新冠肺炎疫苗之路”系列的第三集中,我们的主持人 Nigel Crawford 副教授将与牛津大学儿科感染与免疫学教授 Andrew Pollard 教授进行对话。 Pollard 教授是牛津疫苗小组的负责人,该小组与詹纳研究所一起正在进行牛津 COVID-19 疫苗试验。
  • 牛津疫苗中心的 COVID-19 疫苗试验由牛津疫苗集团和詹纳研究所进行,波拉德教授是共同领导者 
  • 牛津疫苗集团之前在中东呼吸综合征 (MERS) 冠状病毒疫苗方面的工作如何使他们能够使用同一平台快速开始 SARS-2 疫苗的工作
  • 先前对 MERS 和 SARS 疫苗的研究如何深入了解冠状病毒的生物学和可能的保护性抗原
  • 疫苗开发中的疫苗安全问题,如抗体增强性疾病 (AED) 以及疫苗安全在试验设计和评估中的重要作用
  • 牛津疫苗中心目前 ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 疫苗试验的最新进展
  • 随机试验中对照组的使用以及 COVID-19 牛津疫苗试验如何在对照组中使用脑膜炎球菌疫苗 
  • 社区疾病减少导致传播率降低和曲线变平如何影响疫苗试验设计和研究地点的位置
  • 大流行所需的疫苗生产规模扩大,以及在疫苗可用时在全球范围内公平获取疫苗的重要性
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COVID19 Road to a vaccine episode 2: Professor Kathryn Edwards

In episode 2 of our ‘COVID19 Road to a vaccine series’, Associate Professor Nigel Crawford, from the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute (MCRI), Melbourne, Australia, speaks with Professor Kathryn Edwards. Dr Edwards is a professor of paediatrics in the division of infectious diseases at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine in Nashville, Tennessee, where she is also vice-chair for clinical research. She is an internationally-recognised expert in vaccinology and, in particular, vaccine safety. 
They will be discussing the important topic of vaccine safety when developing a new vaccine, including some of the challenges faced in the COVID19 vaccine development pathway.
  • Professor Edwards' perspective on vaccine safety across her roles as a clinician/scientist/researcher
  • Adverse events following immunisation and their implications when developing new vaccines
  • Vaccine safety across the different phases (I to IV) of clinical trials
  • The importance of data safety and monitoring committees in vaccine trials
  • What we can learn from the historical research into the development of SARS and MERS vaccines
  • What is ADE (antibody-dependent enhancement of virus infection) and why is it an important consideration in COVID19 vaccine development?
  • What are adjuvants and how does the use of them affect safety planning?
  • Should pregnant women and children be involved in vaccine trials and how can their participation be managed safely?
  • The importance of transparency and honest communication with the public in regards to vaccine safety

You can listen to the episode via our 播客页面 或通过以下链接:

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COVID19 Road to a vaccine episode 1: Professor Stanley Plotkin

In Episode 1 of our new podcast series, Associate Professor Nigel Crawford, a vaccinologist and consultant paediatrician at the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute (MCRI) & Royal Children’s Hospital (RCH), Melbourne, talks with Stanley Plotkin, Emeritus Professor of Paediatrics at the University of Pennsylvania; who is well known internationally for his role in vaccine development.


  • Professor Plotkin’s role in the development of the rubella vaccine, still used throughout the world today
  • His role as the Editor in Chief of the ‘Vaccines’ textbook
  • His role in the formation of the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness and Innovation (CEPI) and CEPI’s current role in global COVID-19 vaccine development
  • What can we learn from the H1N1 pandemic in the development of a COVID-19 vaccine?
  • How developing a vaccine against coronaviruses is critical to the future of civilisation as economies are being destroyed by these viruses
  • Human challenge models and some of the ethical considerations we need to tackle if these sorts of trials are going to be undertaken to support COVID-19 vaccine development
  • Success can only be achieved through global collaboration in the pursuit of a COVID-19 vaccine
  • How the practical aspects of distributing a vaccine on this scale have never been faced before and the importance of thinking outside the box!



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Special MVEC podcast series: COVID19 Road to a vaccine

The year 2020 has seen the emergence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus (COVID19), a unique and potentially devastating virus, with no known prevention or treatment. This new SARS-2 virus has shown to not only have significant international health implications, but also immense psychological and economic impacts. Associate Professor Nigel Crawford, a vaccinologist and consultant paediatrician at the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute (MCRI) & Royal Children’s Hospital (RCH), Melbourne, will delve into the global pursuit of a safe and effective vaccine to prevent COVID19. This is all occurring at ‘pandemic speed’ and MVEC’s new podcast will explore this complicated and multi-faceted process through interviews with a variety of national and international vaccine experts.

In our first few episodes, we will be talking with vaccine experts Emeritus Professor Stanley Plotkin, Professor Kathryn Edwards and Professor Andrew Pollard. 

Listen via our 播客页面 or subscribe below on your preferred podcast platform:

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