COVID19 疫苗之路第 17 集:与 Bonnie Henry 博士一起在加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省如何管理 COVID-19 大流行

在我们的 COVID19 疫苗之路系列的第 17 集中,我们的主持人 Nigel Crawford 副教授与加拿大 BC 省卫生官员 (PHO) Bonnie Henry 博士进行了交谈。作为 PHO,邦妮正在领导全省应对新冠肺炎 (COVID-19) 疫情的工作。 Bonnie 自 2018 年初以来一直担任这一职务,在此之前曾担任副 PHO 三年。她专注于公共卫生和预防医学,并拥有在巴基斯坦参与世界卫生组织和联合国儿童基金会根除脊髓灰质炎项目以及在乌干达埃博拉疫情期间与世界卫生组织合作的背景。她拥有领导应对 SARS、H1N1 大流行和 BC 省药物过量紧急情况的经验。邦妮是不列颠哥伦比亚大学医学院的副教授,也是加拿大国家免疫咨询委员会的成员。她和奈杰尔讨论了以下内容:

  • Bonnie 目前的职责是领导 BC 省应对 COVID-19 大流行
  • 她从 2003 年 SARS 爆发中学到了什么,以及如何将这些经验和知识应用于当前的大流行,例如接触者追踪、控制疫情的重要性以及与公众沟通的重要性
  • COVID-19 疫苗将在加拿大发挥的作用以及需要面对的挑战,例如物流、确保足够的安全性、确定首先免疫的优先群体以及保护土著社区
  • 监测免疫接种后不良事件的至关重要



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The World Health Organization: How do vaccines work?

The World Health Organization have developed a new resource explaining how vaccines provide immunity.

To view the resource please follow the link below:

The World Health Organization: How do vaccines work?


The New York Times: The Husband-and-Wife Team Behind the Leading Vaccine to Solve Covid-19

BioNTech, a German-based biotechnology company with a focus on developing cancer therapies, previously predicted that messenger-RNA technology could be used to rapidly develop a vaccine in the event of a pandemic.

The company, founded by Dr Ugur Sahin and Dr Ozlem Tureci, in partnership with Pfizer, announced this week that their COVID-19 vaccine candidate is more than 90% effective.

To read more, please follow the link below:

The New York Times: The Husband-and-Wife Team Behind the Leading Vaccine to Solve Covid-19

BBC: Covid vaccine - First 'milestone' vaccine offers 90% protection

Vaccine developers Pfizer and BioNTech have announced preliminary data shows their COVID-19 vaccine is demonstrating 90% effectiveness. The vaccine has been tested on over 43,000 people in six countries (USA, Germany, Brazil, Argentina, South Africa and Turkey). They are planning to apply for emergency approval so the vaccine can be in use by the end of November.

Requiring two doses three weeks apart, the vaccine has been developed using an mRNA platform. Scientists take part of the virus’s genetic code and coat it in a lipid so that it can enter the body’s cells resulting in the production of the coronavirus spike protein, prompting the immune system to produce antibodies and T-cells to kill the infected cells. If the person who has been immunised encounters the virus, the antibodies and T-cells are then activated to fight the virus.

It is not known how effective the vaccine will be in elderly people as yet or how long immunity will last. This vaccine is not without manufacturing and logistical challenges, as mRNA vaccines need to be stored at minus 80 degrees Celsius. To date, no major safety issues have been identified.

Read more about this via the link below:

BBC: Covid vaccine: First 'milestone' vaccine offers 90% protection 


BBC: Coronavirus - Scientists using TikTok to teach about vaccine

Scientists will use social media platforms such as TikTok, Instagram and Twitter to communicate information about COVID-19 vaccines in development. They will share science in a simple way as well as answer questions in an effort to reclaim the trust of the public which has been undermined by the rampant spread of misinformation.

This is part of new campaign, Team Halo, which has the backing of the United Nations’ Verified Initiative, 这 Vaccine Confidence ProjectGAVI, The Vaccine Alliance.


Coronavirus: Scientists using TikTok to teach about vaccine 


The bmj: Midwives and paramedics can deliver flu and covid vaccines after new laws come into force

New laws, introduced by the UK government, will now see midwives and paramedics able to administer influenza and COVID-19 vaccines (once available). Expanding the workforce responsible for administering vaccines will improve the public's access to vaccination. These healthcare workers will undergo additional training to ensure patient safety is maintained. 

Currently doctors, accredited nurse immunisers, nurse practitioners and pharmacist immunisers can administer vaccines in Victoria. 


The bmj: Midwives and paramedics can deliver flu and covid vaccines after new laws come into force

Pulse: Flu and Covid-19 vaccines will need to be given separately, says deputy CMO

Professor Jonathan Van-Tam, the deputy Chief Medical Officer for England, and medical adviser on the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) has revealed that he is cautiously optimistic that some COVID-19 vaccines will be available before Christmas. He has also warned that it is unlikely that any COVID-19 vaccine could be co-administered with influenza vaccines due to a lack of safety data. 

Read the article in full below:

Pulse: Flu and Covid-19 vaccines will need to be given separately, says deputy CMO


COVID19 疫苗之路第 16 集:Norman Baylor 教授的 COVID-19 候选疫苗监管流程更新

在我们的新冠疫苗之路系列节目第 16 集中,我们的主持人 Nigel Crawford 副教授再次与 Norman Baylor 教授进行了交谈。贝勒教授是美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)疫苗研究和审查中心办公室前主任,也是生物制剂咨询公司的总裁兼首席执行官,现任世界卫生组织顾问。


  • 最近召开的 FDA 疫苗和相关生物制品咨询委员会会议按照惯例向公众开放
  • 像澳大利亚这样的大量国家可以从这些公开论坛的透明度中学习
  • 美国 COVID-19 候选疫苗的疫苗功效阈值是什么以及设定的值是多少
  • 将儿童和孕妇等特殊风险群体纳入临床试验
  • 当超过一种功效不同的 COVID-19 疫苗上市时,可能会造成混乱
  • 持续收集数据以监测疫苗的安全性和有效性
  • 暂停或临床暂停是临床试验的正常部分
  • 随着 COVID-19 疫苗的问世,监管机构沟通的重要性



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COVID-19 vaccines: time to talk about the uncertainties

In the following article, Kanta Subbarao, director of the WHO Collaborating Centre for Reference and Research on Influenza in Melbourne, discusses the unknowns that lie ahead as we plan for the roll-out of the COVID-19 vaccine. Community engagement and transparency will be key to a successful vaccination campaign. Professor Subbarao touches on public involvement and the idea of "citizen juries" to participate in discussions on the risks and benefits of COVID-19 vaccines and who should receive the vaccine first.

To read the article in full please follow the link below:

Nature: COVID-19 vaccines: time to talk about the uncertainties

Professor Subbarao was recently a guest on our COVID19: Road to a vaccine podcast series. To listen to her episode please refer to the following link:

COVID19: Road to a vaccine