Last month, the Australian Immunisation Handbook updated the recommended time intervals for the vaccination of people who have recently received normal human immunoglobulin and other blood products.

The clinical guidance was updated to remove specific guidance regarding rotavirus, zoster and BCG, and to include guidance regarding live JE vaccines.

Immunisation providers should check the Handbook guidance before administering a live vaccine to someone who has received blood products or IVIG.

Australian Immunisation Handbook: Table. Recommened intervals between immunoglobulins or blood products, and measles-mumps-rubella, measles-mumps-rubella-varicella or varicella vaccination

Cẩm nang Chủng ngừa Úc: Tiêm chủng cho những người gần đây đã nhận được globulin miễn dịch bình thường của người và các sản phẩm máu khác

MVEC: Live-attenuated vaccines and immunoglobulin or blood products