Some countries who have successfully vaccinated a high proportion of their adult population are now shifting the focus of their COVID-19 vaccine rollout towards children and adolescents.

The following article reviews various international vaccine strategies for the younger population, and explores COVID-19 vaccine safety, including expected vaccine side effects and reports of myocarditis and pericarditis in adolescents. It looks at the potential impact that vaccination of children could have on transmission, herd immunity and keeping schools open.

The World Health Organization (WHO) recognises that globally the vaccine rollout has been slow and inequitable. Low income countries have insufficient vaccine supplies to protect high-priority groups.

In Australia where rates of COVID-19 community transmission is low, it is important that efforts remain on maximising vaccine coverage for adults and those who are at highest risk of severe COVID-19 disease.

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The Conversation: Let’s hold off vaccinating children and teens against COVID-19. Prioritising adults is our best shot for now